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Student Resources

STEM Graduate Courses are designed for educators seeking to enhance their understanding of STEM principles and methodology. View how each course fits within your degree or certificate requirements.  

Policies and Information:

  • Schedules are subject to updates and changes; please see AccessLVC for most up to date course information.
  • Current tuition rates and fees can also be found on the Business Office webpage.
  • You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the College Catalog for College Academic Policies and Procedures. 
  • For information related to billing, payment, and refunds, review Part-Time & Graduate Student policies through the Business Office.

Course Schedule:

Spring 2: March 9 to April 26

Main Campus - Annville

  • MSE 820 - How Things Work - Mondays (hybrid) - 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor: Anton Oberg
    • This course will use physics to explain some of the devices that you use routinely almost every day. These are devices that you likely have learned to use well, but you may not have understood very well how they work.  For each device that we will study we will first lay a theoretical groundwork and then do a lab where you will either construct something or make an investigation. By alternating theory and hands-on activities, you will better be able to gain an in-depth understanding of each device. The course has two main goals: 1) help you apply the scientific knowledge you already have to the world around you. 2) To increase your scientific knowledge by using your surrounding environment as an instructional tool. 

Dixon University Center - Harrisburg

  • MSE 882 - STEM Integrative Curriculum Design- Wednesdays (hybrid) - 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor: Andrea Walker
    • This is the third course of the three-course STEM concentration. This course will explore integrative curriculum design and assessment. Topics will include state and national standards and analysis of existing STEM curricula and pedagogies. Prerequisite: MSE 880 and MSE 881.


  • MSE 880 - Intro to STEM Education. Instructor: Andrea Walker
    • This course serves as a general exploration of the disciplines and approaches to STEM education. This course will cover pedagogy, assessment, standards alignment, and trends and issues.

  • MSE 881 - STEM Education Systemic Reform. Instructor: Dr. Joey Rider-Bertrand
    • This is the third course of the three-course STEM concentration. This course will explore integrative curriculum design and assessment. Topics will include state and national standards and analysis of existing STEM curricula and pedagogies. Prerequisite: MSE 880 and MSE 881.

  • MSE 883-91 - Integrative STEM Practicum. Free Course. Instructor: Dr. Joey Rider-Bertrand
    • In this course, students will apply and extend integrative STEM knowledge, understanding, and skills acquired through coursework to meaningful field experiences. During the Integrative STEM Education Practicum, students will develop a digital portfolio of artifacts as evidence in meeting the program competencies and as a demonstration of reflective practice. This course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Co-or prerequisite: MSE 880, 881, or 882.

MSE 830 - Independent Research in Science Education: Thesis

MSE 832 - Independent Research in Science Education: Project

Summer 1: May 11 to June 28

Integrative STEM Certificate Courses


  • MSE 880 - Intro to STEM Education. Instructor: Dr. Joey Rider-Bertrand
    • This course serves as a general exploration of the disciplines and approaches to STEM education. Pedagogy, assessment, standards alignment, and trends and issues will be covered in this course. It is recommended you also take 1 credit of MSE 883. 
  • MSE 883 - Integrative STEM Practicum. Free Course.
    • In this course, students will apply and extend integrative STEM knowledge, understanding, and skills acquired through coursework to meaningful field experiences. During the Integrative STEM Education Practicum, students will develop a digital portfolio of artifacts as evidence in meeting the program competencies and as a demonstration of reflective practice. This course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Co-or prerequisite: MSE 880, 881, or 882.
  • MSE 881 - STEM Education Systemic Reform. Instructor: Andrea Walker
    • This is the second course of the 3-course STEM concentration. Students will investigate STEM initiatives and programs, including individuals and organizations that have impacted the development of STEM education. The course will also explore funding, budgeting, and grant writing in relation to STEM reform.

  • MSE 882 - STEM Integrative Curriculum Design. Instructor: Dr. Joey Rider-Bertrand
    • In this course, students will apply and extend integrative STEM knowledge, understanding, and skills acquired through coursework to meaningful field experiences. During the Integrative STEM Education Practicum, students will develop a digital portfolio of artifacts as evidence in meeting the program competencies and as a demonstration of reflective practice. This course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Co-or prerequisite: MSE 880, 881, or 882.

Masters of STEM Principles and Elective Courses

Main Campus - Annville

  • MSE 826 - Watersheds and Wetlands: Citizen Science Inquiry and Atlantic Horseshoe Crab - CANCELLED


  • MSE 820 - Enhancing the STEMness of Your Teaching. Instructor: Jeff Remington. 3 Credit Elective.
    • Expand your impact in STEM with next day application of integrated STEM. See how to infuse Design Thinking, Computational Thinking, Growth Mindset, PBLs, Digital Communication, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, the 4Cs, STEM Jobs and Advocacy skills through student-centered, authentic learning.

  • MSE 820 - Digital Mapping and Big Data. Instructor: Terrence J. Laughlin. 3 Credit Elective/or Principle.
    • This interdisciplinary STEM course would benefit teachers from a variety of subjects. In this course, participants will learn how to use ArcOnline, a web-based program that combines digital maps with big data. A true tool for integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) – it is used to solve real-world problems in a variety of fields like Business, Politics, Emergency Management, Crime Analysis, Medicine, and Environmental Studies.   Teachers will learn how to create and manage ArcGIS Online organizational accounts to make it easy to implement with their students.  Throughout the course, they will develop inquiry-based lessons called GeoInquiries, collect project data using Survey123, analyze trends using Community Analyst, and tell stories using StoryMaps. There will also be a geocaching community event at the culmination of this course. 

  • MSE 820 - Designing and Developing an Online Learning Environment. Instructor: Dr. Joyce Good. 3 Credits.
    • This project-based course will introduce participants to various aspects of online learning environments with a focus on asynchronous learning. Learners will investigate standards, instructional best practices, and online design techniques to build an environment that creates a sense of community and encourages collaboration and engagement. The course will include a focus on how to differentiate instruction to meet all learners’ needs in an asynchronous manner of delivery. Participants will convey how instructional practices, relevant skills, and competencies inform their online program design and be able to communicate where and when online learning techniques can enhance traditional instructional models.


  • MSE 823 - Waterways: Water Chemistry, Biology, Environment, and Safety - CANCELLED

Summer 2: July 6 to August 23

*Note: This schedule is subject to change, please check frequently for updated information*

Integrative STEM Certificate Courses

Main Campus - Annville

  • MSE 881 - STEM Education Systemic Reform - CANCELLED


  • MSE 883 - Integrative STEM Practicum. Free Course.
    • In this course, students will apply and extend integrative STEM knowledge, understanding, and skills acquired through coursework to meaningful field experiences. During the Integrative STEM Education Practicum, students will develop a digital portfolio of artifacts as evidence in meeting the program competencies and as a demonstration of reflective practice. This course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Co-or prerequisite: MSE 880, 881, or 882.

  • MSE 880 - Intro to STEM Education. Instructor: Dr. Joey Rider-Bertrand.
    • This course serves as a general exploration of the disciplines and approaches to STEM education. Pedagogy, assessment, standards alignment, and trends and issues will be covered in this course. Taking one credit of MSE 883 is also recommended.

  • MSE 882 - STEM Integrative Curriculum Design. Instructor: Andrea Walker.
    • In this course, students will apply and extend integrative STEM knowledge, understanding, and skills acquired through coursework to meaningful field experiences. During the Integrative STEM Education Practicum, students will develop a digital portfolio of artifacts as evidence in meeting the program competencies and as a demonstration of reflective practice. This course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Co-or prerequisite: MSE 880, 881, or 882.

Masters of STEM Principles and Elective Courses


  • MSE 821-1 - Exploration of STEM Careers. Monday, July 6–Friday, July 10. Instructor: Dr. Seth Kensinger. 3 Credit Elective.
    • Tour select local industries and organizations which utilize science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) on a daily basis. The focus of the central PA tours will be to raise awareness of scientific applications that encompass STEM to produce or analyze a product or test samples. Students will be able to build partnerships with local industries which will enable them to connect industry directly into their classroom. Additionally, emphasis will be placed on safety and environmental concerns within the industrial setting. Students will be provided with time to query the various company representatives about specific applications to the classroom. Journal articles, reflective journals, and a culminating project are requirements of the course.

Main Campus - Annville

  • MSE 820 - Cross-Cutting Concepts in Science. July 13–24 (Monday-Thursday) 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Instructor: Andrea Walker. 3 Credit Principle/ or Elective.
    • There are overarching themes that cross all disciplines and provide a lens to examine the content. Using the crosscutting concepts found in the Next Generation Standards (Energy, Systems, Change) teachers will explore disciplinary core ideas through the use of science and engineering practices and an examination of learning progressions in the K-12 curriculum. This course is designed to help you integrate and connect science concepts around these large themes and help you see the connections and relationships in science. Join us this summer as the big picture of science unfolds before you.

  • MSE 820 - You have a Makerspace: Now What? July 27–31. Instructor: Scott Farmer. 3 Credits Elective.  
    • This course is designed to provide K-12 educators with the training needed to incorporate makerspaces into their own curriculum. Enrolled participants will have the opportunity to learn various makerspace technologies through multiple hands-on experiences.

  • MSE 822 - Forensic Science. July 20–31. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Instructor: Scott Baylor. 3 Credit Elective.
    • In this course, students will read, research, hypothesize, interview, compute, and use deductive reasoning to propose solutions to crimes in an effort to develop hands-on, inquiry-based lessons for their K-12 students. Students will use forensic techniques such as lifting and inking fingerprints, shoe casting and bite identification. Science, English, and Math Standards will be incorporated into this project-based course.

  • MSE 829 - Research Methods. Mondays (July 20–Aug. 3) 5–9 p.m. and Saturday (Aug. 1–Aug. 8) 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Instructor: Dr. Ann Berger-Knorr. 3 Credit Core Requirement Course.
    • Designed to develop the understanding of the methods employed in planning and developing research in science, students will gain experience in generating ideas for research, critically evaluating literature, synthesizing and presenting results of research, and writing in a clear and organized way. Students will explore the research-based rationale for reform in science education and address the use of statistics in analyzing science education research as well as local, state, and national assessments. Enduring understandings, content worthy of understanding and the development of essential questions for science courses will be addressed.


  • MSE 820 - Public Health for K-12 Curriculum. Instructors: Dr. Kathleen Blouch and Kathleen Mahoney. 3 Credit Elective/or Principle.
    • Explore the public health initiatives that affect people every day in every part of the world.  The course examines broad issues that affect the health and well-being of students, families, communities, populations, and society. This hands-on course will utilize resources from the Center for Disease Control to learn how to teach epidemiology and public health sciences and to promote student interest in public health careers. NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) aligned lessons and resources will be used to teach the set of skills and abilities that students should be able to demonstrate.   Scientific and Engineering practices and Habits of mind will be emphasized. Controversy, Claims, Evidence and Reasoning will be practiced through case studies. Areas of focus include epidemiology, surveillance, prevention effectiveness, public health, and health laboratories.
  • MSE 820 - Delivering Effective Online Instruction. Instructor: Dr. Joyce Good. 3 Credits.
    • This course will examine methods for delivering online instruction in various environments with a focus on synchronous learning. Participants will review the teacher effectiveness model of supervision and evaluate the model regarding online delivery. The course will focus on planning live instruction that encourages learner participation, application, interaction, and collaboration. Participants will examine how to set clear expectations, professionally deliver instruction, and provide meaningful feedback. The course will include components on how to differentiate synchronous instruction to meet all learners’ needs. Participants will be able to articulate when and why synchronous learning is the most effective delivery of the content.

Course Planning and Self-Registration 

Current students can access student planning tools and self-registration through Access LVC.

*If you have any difficulties when registering for courses please contact the MSSE office immediately at or 717-867-6190.

Additional Registration Information and Tips:

  • Registration will remain open until the day before each class begins. To add or drop a course after that date, please contact the MSSE Office.

  • As you begin each term, review the course syllabus and schedule as soon as they are available to you; if you have questions about expectations or course policies, reach out to your instructor immediately.

  • Textbook information is available through the College Store's website.

  • If, for any reason, you determine that you are unable to complete a course in which you are registered, reach out to for assistance with the proper drop or withdrawal procedures.