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Bad Blood: How a Student-Faculty Research Team is Making a Difference

“In iron deficient animals, we often see anxiety, and the closest neurotransmitter system is the serotonin system. Emily is studying serotonin as it relates to this behavior, but Morgan is approaching it from a different angle by studying the dopamine system, which relates to cognition.”

Research Possibilities

Students pursue their research interests under the guidance of faculty mentors. Student and faculty research projects are often published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at scientific conferences. During the past 10 years, more than 40 biology majors have co-authored and presented research at regional, national, and international scientific meetings.

Being able to have my own scientific project in France was an incredible experience–an experience that LVC prepared me very, very well for.

Fulbright Scholar to France; Post-doctoral Fellow in Cancer Biology and the National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research

Dr. Mary Olanich '05