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Boss education at LVC

The Education Department Mission

The Lebanon Valley College Education Department develops, knowledgeable and effective teachers that can problem solve and think critically about contemporary educational issues.  All teaching certification candidates will implement the most current evidence-based practices, including current teaching methodologies, and educational technology.  They value diversity and promote inclusiveness, and have genuine respect for those with whom they work.  Our prospective teachers possess effective communication skills, a love for learning and a sense of responsibility and service to their school community.

Education Department Goals and Objectives

  1. Students will demonstrate content knowledge of the curriculum, based in theory and commensurate with the PA Standards/Common Core.
    • When planning lessons, students will demonstrate adequate knowledge of content linked to research-based pedagogy.
    • Students will clearly communicate instructional goals, procedures, and content.  
    • Students will use formal and/or informal assessments to measure a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which learning goals were achieved.
  2. Students will communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
    • Students will use appropriate and effective verbal and nonverbal communication.
    • Students will demonstrate proficiency in written communication in the areas of focus, content, organization, style, and conventions.
  3. Students will maintain professional conduct and ethical behavior.
    • Students will comply with college and school policies regarding professional dress, attendance, and punctuality.
    • Students will cultivate professional relationships with school colleagues, families and the broader community.
  4. Students will manage a learning environment that is safe and conducive to learning.
    • Students will promote a positive learning environment involving meaningful, caring and respectful relationships between teachers and students, and among students.
    • Students will prepare a safe and appropriate classroom environment to optimize learning.
    • Students will plan for student transitions, and teach classroom procedures and routines.
  5. Students will link content to related research-based pedagogy based on sound educational psychology principles in short-and long-range instructional plans.
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to differentiate instruction using appropriate resources, materials, technology, and activities to engage students in meaningful learning based on their instructional goals.
    • Students will demonstrate appropriate and varied instructional strategies, which engage learners.
    • Students will assess their own professional growth through focused self-reflection.