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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Lebanon Valley College

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Lebanon Valley College invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor beginning August 2020. Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in mathematics or a related field at that time. Responsibilities include teaching four 3-credit courses per semester, continuing scholarly activity (broadly defined), and general participation in the activities of the department and the College. The job advertisement is posted on

Our department has a history and culture of math faculty developing new expertise on the job; this has allowed us to build strong undergraduate programs in several areas, including actuarial science, computer and data science, analytical finance, and mathematics.


Department Mission

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is dedicated to the ideals of liberal education. We strive to develop in our students enduring fundamental abilities of effective lifelong learning: precise reading, sound reasoning, and clear communication. More than any particular facts or theories, we emphasize that language, logic, and understanding are the heart and the true power of mathematics. These principles guide the design and implementation of general education and service courses as well as the curricula for our majors. More information about the department.


Working in the Department

We currently have about 170 students majoring in actuarial science, computer and data science, analytical finance, and mathematics. In a school of 1600 students, that's about ten times the national average for percentage of students majoring in mathematical sciences. With the recent addition of our major in analytical finance and a reimagining of the computer and data science curriculum, we expect our department to grow even more in the next several years.

Our students are successful, as measured by what they accomplish after they leave LVC. Most of our students go directly to work, and some go to graduate school. Our job placement is essentially 100%, and students report a high level of career satisfaction.

We attribute that success to our rigorous programs in which we hold high standards for our students and ourselves. Our students work hard because we work hard. We spend a lot of time with our students. Our suite is designed with study space and a computer lab adjacent to our offices, and we keep our doors open to encourage students to drop in with questions.

Each of the eight department faculty members holds a Ph.D. in mathematics. Six of us are tenured, and the other two are tenure-track.

Outside of the classroom, we advise students, pursue a variety of scholarly activities, take students to talks or competitions in the area, and participate in the leadership and service of the college. First-year faculty are exempt from service duties so that they can focus on teaching and scholarship.

See the About LVC web page for information about Lebanon Valley College and the town of Annville. Our Facebook and Instagram pages highlight some of our recent activities.