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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Welcome to Bishop Library ILL (Interlibrary Loan)

Any Lebanon Valley College student, faculty member or staff member with a network account may set up a Tipasa (cloud-based ILL management system) account to request books, articles, CDs, DVDs, and other materials that the Bishop Library does not own or have access to via electronic subscription. After your request is received, the library borrows the material from an interlibrary loan participating library. 

Click here to log into your Tipasa account.


What can I borrow?

  • Books and articles.  Requests for Interlibrary Loans (ILL) should be made only after you have carefully searched the Bishop Library catalog (for books and AV materials) and Journal Finder (for links to journal full-text titles).  Most journal databases let you place a request by clicking on the ILLiad link.
  • The interlibrary loan should not be used to borrow textbooks or course materials as this is prohibited by both the US ILL Code and the Pennsylvania ILL Code.
  • We are very rarely successful in obtaining dissertations, popular audiovisual materials, or international publications that are not published in English.


How do I get it?

  • The time to obtain materials varies greatly.  Some things come within days, while others can take as long as two weeks.  The library makes every attempt to obtain and ship materials as quickly as possible.
  • We will send all receipt notifications or questions about your requests to your LVC email account.
  • Loans may be picked up at the circulation desk of the Bishop Library.  Article and book chapter copies will be sent electronically to your Tipasa account.  A link to the article or book chapter will be available via your Tipasa account for 30 days and can be used to view the article up to 5 times.  Print or save the article to access it beyond these limits.


How do I place a request? 

  • If you have an account, you can submit an article or loan request or check the status of any existing request online.
  • First-time users will need to register with the system before placing requests.

For additional information, please see our Interlibrary Loan & Tipasa LibGuide