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LVC students working with Outreach360 in the Dominican Republic

How It Works

Through their engagement in service opportunities at Lebanon Valley College:

Students may grow their awareness and knowledge regarding needs and justice issues in a variety of areas such as:

  • Poverty, food security, housing access
  • Senior living and wellness
  • Education and youth development

Students may enhance their self-knowledge as they examine their own identity and purpose in the context of a diverse world in which a variety of needs and injustices exist.

Students may examine and develop the civic competencies listed below so that as graduates they may be equipped to contribute to the building of a more just world, regardless of their specific field.

Civic Competencies

Personal Contributions

  • Valuing the unique gifts, talents, and social assets that each person is able to offer for the good of the whole.


  • The willingness to think about and learn from one's previous experiences to guide future actions.


  • The ability to put oneself in another's place and recognize what they may be feeling.


  • Valuing the differences among us as a way to enrich everyone's experience of the world.

Others' Perspectives

  • Recognizing that the opinions of others are vital for completing and correcting our own limited vision.


  • The ability to coordinate one's efforts with those of others to achieve a goal.

Social justice

  • Understanding that systemic inequities divide our world.

Social Responsibility

  • The basic disposition that we are all responsible for one another, and for acting in ways that benefit society.


  • A willingness to offer concrete assistance to those needing it.

Creating change

  • Recognizing that effecting change requires the cooperation of society's various sectors.