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Gold Service Award

Students who meet one of the following criteria during their enrollment are presented the Gold Service Award which includes receipt of a certificate and a special pin that may be worn on the graduate’s robe at commencement.  Additionally, recipients are encouraged to note this achievement on their Handshake profile so that potential employers may be made aware of their commitment to the community and civic engagement. 

To earn the award a student must complete one of the following:

  • 100+ hours of community service AND at least one residential service project
  • 250+ hours of community service

While students may complete both community and campus service, it is only community service that is counted toward the Gold Award. The residential service project is a service experience of at least 3 consecutive days away from the student’s residence (home or college).

LVC's Jully Mbugua Gold Service Award Recipient

2018-2019 Gold Service Award Recipient

Jully Mbugua '20 named as a recent award recipient.

Phi Alpha Epsilon Induction

Phi Alpha Epsilon (the Greek initial letters of the words “lover of learning and finder of truth”), the College’s honor society, was established in 1935 and recognizes academic achievement and service to others. To be eligible for this award, students must achieve a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.6, complete at least 24 credits of Constellation LVC coursework, and complete at least 25 hours of community service (as determined by the Office of Community Service and Volunteerism) at the conclusion of the fall semester prior to graduation. Ordinarily, seniors are formally welcomed into the society at a spring ceremony.

President’s Service Award

Presented annually at the Symposium for Inclusive Excellence, this award recognizes the student organization that has most contributed to the enhancement of life in central Pennsylvania through community service. Nominate an organization for this award by filling out this form. Next, email the completed form to Jen Liedtka at by January 6, 2020.

The LVC baseball team earned the 2020 president's service award for community service

2020 President's Service Award Recipients

LVC Baseball Team

Reporting Group Hours

Any hours completed as part of a group (i.e. student organization, team, class) should be reported in mass by a designated representative of the group by emailing Jen Liedtka, Coordinator of Service and Volunteerism, at  The emails should include:

  • Date of project
  • A description of the project
  • Name of the organization or cause benefitting from the service
  • Name of student group/organization/team completing the service
  • Names of each individual student participant
  • Number of hours served by each participant (in increments no smaller than a ¼ hour)

Reporting Individual Hours

Any hours completed by the student individually should be reported via MyLVC as follows:

  • Go to:
  • Click on My Info for Students
  • After logging in, click on Report Service Hours
  • Using the reporting tool, input new hours and also view previously reported hours

For an updated copy of LVC’s Service Hour Guidelines, please contact the Office at

Award recognition and hour verification are based solely upon those hours reported to the Office through the processes listed above. Only service hours completed during the academic year (or in association with College-planned projects over the summer) and that meet the College’s guidelines may be reported.