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Members of Brave Zone talk to prospective members at the annual activities fair

The Brave Zone Network trains students, faculty, and staff with the goal of creating an on-campus network of allies and members of the LGBT+ community. The program educates members regarding how to address issues involving the community and how to advocate for peers, family members, and other acquaintances. A large portion of Brave Zone training focuses on education. Trainees are immersed in situations that members of the LGBT+ community often encounter so they will be able to understand the oppression the community experiences.

There are sections of the training that cover vocabulary, pronoun usage and why it’s important, understanding gender identity and gender expression, sexual attraction versus sexual orientation, and romantic attraction.

There are currently 150 members involved with the program, including students, staff, and faculty. Members can be recognized on campus by a door decal on their dorm, house, or office door.  

Brave Zone trainings are held several times each semester. Contact Tyler Cox at for additional information regarding the program and how to get involved.