

COVID Information

Please visit the link below for the latest information about the coronavirus outbreak.

Becoming a Probationary Club:

Students interested in forming a club need to contact Jen Evans or the Student Government Club Liaison. The club organizers need to complete the Probationary Club Application and turn it in to a Student Government representative during office hours Monday through Wednesday 5pm – 8pm. The Student Government office is located behind the College Center information desk in Mund.


Probationary Club Time Period:

A club shall be on probationary status for a time of ten (10) weeks.


In that specified ten (10) week period, said clubs will have to meet certain criteria to be considered for full club status. The criteria shall be:

  • Obtain a faculty/staff advisor who will attend some meetings and functions. (*see attached document for advisors)
  • Advisor must also be willing to supervise any “all-campus” events sponsored by the club o Schedule a regular meeting room and time.
  • Hold a minimum of six (6) meetings and/or events. o Write a working constitution.
  • Elect an executive board.
  • Gain and maintain a minimum of eight (8) members not including the executive board.
  • One executive board member must attend each of the monthly Student Gov’t Forums held during the probationary time period.
  • Consider opening a club account with our LVC Business Office to handle the cash flow to and from the organization.
  • Plan and execute one campus project/event that is relevant to the club. (Example: a service club will plan and perform a service project, etc.)


Probationary clubs will be eligible to apply for a maximum of $200.00 from Student Government while on probationary status. All Student Government allotment terms and conditions shall apply at this time. Jen Evans can help the clubs access these funds when ready. There will be a meeting in the spring semester, prior to the Student Government Budget Allotment form due date, on how to properly fill out the budget request forms, as well as a review of what Student Government will fund for campus clubs.


At the end of the ten (10) week period, the Probationary clubs must present their club (showing the met criteria) to Student Government during one of our meetings (held on Monday evenings at 9:40pm in Mund Dining Hall) to be voted on for full club status. During this time, Student Government shall vote on whether or not said club shall remain on probationary status for an additional amount of time or be given full club status.

Granted Club Status:

If the said club is granted full club status, the said club will be granted all rights and responsibilities of a campus organization. The said organization will be, upon application and approval, granted up to an additional $100.00 for the remainder of the academic year to assist them in any further programming. At the end of the academic year, said club shall be eligible to apply for regular funding from Student Government.


Advisor Information:

The advisor must be a full-time employee (faculty, staff, or administration) of Lebanon Valley College. The advisor should:

  • Be interested in the student organization and should have a basic knowledge of its purpose, programs, and members.
  • Be knowledgeable about the recognition process for student organizations and assist in the process if needed.
  • Be willing to serve as a consultant and a resource to both the officers and the general membership of the student organization.
  • Occasionally attend meetings (especially executive board meetings) and programs/events sponsored by the student organization as appropriate or required. The college requires a staff chaperone for large scale events, especially when off-campus guests are involved.
  • Become familiar with and ensure that the student organization complies with LVC policies and guidelines.
  • Be aware of the financial status of the student organization and encourage sound fiscal management. Once an “account” is established with our Business Office, transaction ledgers are available from either Jen Evans at or Jeff Petritsch at
  • Sign financial statements (petty cash request, Student Gov’t allotment, request for payments, etc.)
  • Encourage and assist the members in making programs purposeful and meaningful for their targeted audience through organized pre-planning, facilitating, and evaluations of their programs. Assist in educating the members about group dynamics, different learning and leadership styles, organizational structure, diversity, programming, assessment, and collaboration.
  • Be aware of liability or risk issues and ensure that proper procedures are in place to minimize these. (waivers, trip waivers, club sports, etc…)


Cheat Sheet for Important Contacts:

  • Non-classroom Space Reservations (including outdoor spaces) & in case you’re not sure – start here: Contact Heather Whitman, Campus Scheduling Coordinator, at or 717-867-6723.
  • Tables in the Mund Lobby, Officer Info./Roster Collection & Fundraising Forms: Contact Laura Keiser in the Center for Student Engagement. You can stop in the office or email Laura at
  • Office of Public Safety: 717-867-6111 OR
  • Office of Audiovisual Technology: 717-867-6200 OR
  • CLUB SPORTS or Arnold Sports Center (pool, courts or other athletic facilities): Melissa Byler – 717-867-6360
  • Greek Life: Jen Evans 717-867-6164 or
  • Questions regarding your Student Government Allotment: Jen Evans (
  • Questions regarding your Business Office Account: Jeff Petritsch ( OR Jen Evans (
  • Community Service: Jen Liedtka 717-867-6167
  • Reserve area in a Residence Hall: Contact Residence Life at or 717-867-6230.
  • Tables at a sporting event: Contact Rick Beard (
  • Career Services: Brynn Mason (
  • MarComm Questions (shirt design/logo, web site info.): Ali Wenger (
  • Solicitation of Businesses for Fundraising: Matt Weaver (