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Chloe McCarty Lands Developer Job at WebpageFX

Computer and data science graduate Chloe McCarty is working as a web developer at Webpage FX

LinkedIn has become a thread that knits students and employers together more than ever.

Computer and data science major Chloe McCarty '18 heard about WebpageFX when the president of the company contacted her via LinkedIn last summer. She was immediately intrigued and decided to further expand her knowledge on the digital marketing agency.

“With that one message, the company really caught my eye,” McCarty said. “Not only did they seem like a great place to work based on their ranking, but they also seemed really interested in me both as an individual and as a dutchman.”

McCarty didn’t expect to work for an agency like WebpageFX, and pushed the idea of working there to the side until this past February. McCarty saw that the Center for Career Services was hosting a Pizza with Professionals with WebpageFX.

After meeting the talent acquisition specialist for the agency at the event, the company further demonstrated their interest in McCarty as a candidate for one of their positions.

“They got back to me within two days, and we scheduled a phone interview, which went well and then I had a written interview, long in-person interview and a coding test,” said McCarty.

McCarty credits the Center for Career Development and the LVC Math Sciences department for being helpful through the job process.

“I definitely felt that all of the resources available to me at LVC had prepared me to land this job,” McCarty said. “The LVC Math Sciences department recognizes that a lot of companies look for this [ability to learn new skills quickly] in graduates and thus the department’s curricula have a strong emphasis on building up this skill.”

As a result, McCarty felt confident that the skills she learned would transfer well to her new job opportunity.

“Through them [Center for Career Development], I was able to put together a professional resume, get tips on writing my cover letter, receive feedback on what to wear for an interview and I participated in the Mock Interviews the year before, which definitely made me more confident going into the job interview,” McCarty said.

The more McCarty learned about WebpageFX and their company culture, the more she wanted to be a part of their team. With a few weeks until graduation, McCarty is ready to start a new chapter upon graduation.


-- Janessa Cruz for La Vie Collegienne