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Dylan Reed ’13 is able to make a concrete difference in the lives of constituents in his role with the Federal Affairs team of Advanced Energy Economy (AEE). Dylan describes AEE as an energy business association that promotes innovative technologies that make the global energy system more secure, clean, and affordable.
“I’m lucky enough to work with extraordinary individuals who are helping to craft cutting edge public policy,” Reed affirms. “We’re working on issues that I truly believe are helping and will continue to help millions of Americans.”
Reed works in partnership with the vice president of federal affairs to coordinate the group’s Capitol Hill outreach campaign, which engages with member companies regarding how to provide benefits to the economy and energy system. Reed predominantly handles legislative and regulatory matters, as well as assistances to the state policy team on relevant issues.
While working with the Advanced Energy Economy, Reed is also finishing his master’s of public administration degree at the George Washington University’s (GWU) Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. “I chose this degree because it focuses on practical application of public policy and management,” Reed explains. “I chose the school because of its world-class faculty and their commitment to a strong academic experience.”
After graduating from GWU, he became part of the community of alumni that he lauds: “The school has a strong alumni network, which has been incredibly helpful. My current boss at is actually a Trachtenberg alumnus, and I originally met him when he was a guest speaker in one of my classes,” he notes.
It was this sense of community that originally drew Reed to begin his collegiate education at Lebanon Valley College. A department of excellent history and political science faculty retained him and led him to switch from pursuing a history major with a secondary education certification in his freshman year to graduating as a history and political science double major.
“I felt comfortable during my campus visit,” Reed reveals, “because The Valley Ambassador emphasized the sense of community at LVC. I knew I wanted a great academic experience, and the History and Political Department has fantastic faculty.”
Reed explained that professors such as Dr. Philip Benesch, associate professor of politics, and Dr. Michael Schroeder, associate professor of history, “encouraged intellectual curiosity and the power of asking questions…particularly the right questions.” They also provided students with the key critical thinking skills, such as research methods, to answer these difficult questions.
Reed notes the emphasis that the College placed on a true liberal arts education and its relevance to academic and professional situations.
“I’ve used those tools in graduate work and professional settings to succeed,” Reed confirms.
It was under Dr. Benesch that Reed completed a series of three internships, one of the many opportunities unique to a small liberal arts school. Reed cites his internship with Rep. Dan Frankel and the Bipartisan Management Committee’s Legislative Fellowship Program as the most notable. In that role, he gained practical congressional experience by participating in a 13-week paid program, which concluded with the writing of an original piece of legislation.
Other opportunities, such as studying abroad in Perugia, Italy, playing on the baseball team, and working in a number of offices across campus helped instill valuable leadership and time management skills in Reed. Through these activities and the College’s academic offerings, Reed says, “I met my best friends at LVC. We keep a group text among six of us, and there is rarely a day that we don’t talk to one another.”
It is these occurrences, complemented by faculty who “brought an amazing passion to every class,” that come together to create an experience that students and alumni such as Reed remember fondly.