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Tony Gorick ’11 knew from a young age that he enjoyed writing and helping the community around him. When he heard about LVC through his mother, Jennifer, Gorick fell in love with the mixture of communications and other media that LVC’s English Department offered.
“The English Department was fantastic and felt like a great fit,” said Gorick. “I loved that the professors knew my name and were more like mentors. It made a huge impact on me.”
While at LVC, Gorick explored all the English major offered—from creative writing and Shakespeare to American and British literature—and much more. He remained active outside of the classroom, too. From performing as the Dutchman mascot to writing for LVC’s literary magazine [Green Blotter] and the student newspaper [La Vie Collegienne], and other extracurricular activities, Gorick never missed an opportunity to connect with the community. Gorick also landed an internship with the Harrisburg City Islanders soccer team–now Penn FC.
“I will never forget the impact my professors and leaders had on my personal life and educational journey,” Gorick reflected. “LVC set me up for success in and out of the classroom.”
After graduation, Gorick became an activities assistant at Landis Homes Retirement Community. He interacted with and planned events for the residents and reflected fondly on his time there.
“It taught me a lot about life, what it means to live with purpose, and how relationships are the most important part of growing up,” Gorick said. “My time there was invaluable to me.”
Following Landis Homes, Gorick moved on to work at Ten Thousand Villages developed strategies for the organization’s social media channels, and most recently, before his current job, Gorick worked at Fig Industries–a design agency in downtown Lancaster.
Gorick currently works at the Lancaster Chamber as a creative services manager. Some of his daily responsibilities include design, marketing, content strategy development, social media strategy, and sales promotion.
“Being at the Lancaster Chamber is extremely rewarding,” Gorick said. “I love that I can add my creative energy and ideas to what I do. From implementing unique marketing campaigns to strategizing our brand position, I always have the opportunity to provide input into how we make things innovative and interesting.”
As for the future, Gorick looks forward to finishing a novel by the end of 2020 and publishing it in 2021. Also, as a crazy candy connoisseur, Gorick never keeps owning a candy store far from sight.
“LVC was what I expected and more,” reflected Gorick. “I will always remember taking long walks on campus, going to soccer and basketball games, reading in the Peace Garden, playing Frisbee with my friends, attending the incredible musicals Wig & Buckle presented, and enjoying those impactful, important four years.”
-- Parker Gallagher, Marketing & Communications Student Assistant