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Spreading the Love for the Language

German professor Joerg Meindl speaks to a class

The German Department celebrated the study of German language and culture with a German Day for central Pennsylvania high school students during the spring semester.

High school students currently taking German classes interacted with current LVC students–including those who have studied abroad in Germany—as well as professors Dr. Joerg Meindl, associate professor of German, and Dr. Rick Chamberlin, associate professor of German and French, while participating in various language enrichment activities.

“For high school [language] students in the area, there are few similar opportunities,” Dr. Meindl noted.

The College’s German Club and Annville community members helped Meindl organize the event. Along with entertainment such as trivia and bingo, attendees participated in a STEM-related activity, role play dialogues, and learn the basics of the Pennsylvania German dialect. Some students also enjoyed a sample class.

Meindl hopes to open students up to the possibility of continuing their study of German at LVC.

“We have very good cooperation with our students because it’s a small program,” Meindl said. “We’re also looking to bring into the curriculum what actually is useful in careers.”

Most importantly, the event promoted the study of the German language and the culture that is interwoven into it.

“Communication is not just learning words or grammar,” Meindl said. “You also have to know the cultural rules, how you talk to people—all the factors that determine how people think. To really communicate well, you have to know that, too.”

-- By Julie Wiker ’18 for ENG 430 Feature Writing