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Just two short months after graduating from LVC, Zach Beidler was contacted by Greenfish Labs, Inc., a Virtual Reality startup located in Lancaster, Pa.
Since its founding in March of 2015, Greenfish Labs has worked with businesses to develop creative VR solutions for their marketing and promotional needs. Beidler wears many hats in his position as a Production Associate, where he is responsible for assisting in filming, VR stitching, web design, photography, and research and development.
In today’s world of digital media, Virtual Reality is an emerging new technology that promises to disrupt the tech industry in 2016. With 360â° video invading social and traditional online media, the Oculus Rift making its mark on the video game industry, and the Samsung Vibe providing a personal VR experience for people everywhere, it is safe to say the Virtual Reality is quickly making a substantial impact across the world. “VR will change the way we look at media and not just the gaming industry, but with every industry,” says Beidler. “Virtual Reality will help advance entertainment, education, health care, and many other industries.”
Beidler also appreciates the chance to be a part of a company as it grows from the ground up. “Greenfish Labs has many exciting things happening. Since the start of the new year, we’ve met with many companies and VPs in marketing about possible contracts.”
As Greenfish Labs grows and evolves, Beidler has also been able to expand the skills he learned as part of the Digital Communications program. “Working for Greenish Labs is not like your normal 9 to 5 job, it has been a fast paced environment where I can incorporate everything I learned from digiCOM, while gaining another skill set in an emerging industry,” says Beidler of his experience thus far. “So far I have applied every concentration from digiCOM. For example, I incorporate design and videography while designing a website for our 360 tours we will provide and creating behind the scene videos for our website."
“My advice for current digiCOM students is to network, network, and network. Just get your name out there and your chances in getting that first job will grow exponentially,” says Beidler.