

COVID Information

Please visit the link below for the latest information about the coronavirus outbreak.

We're here to help you

The Business Office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. during the academic year.  It is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. during the summer, and is located on the first floor of the Humanities Center.

Major billing for the fall and spring semesters is prepared and mailed in early July and late November. Payment is due in early August and early January respectively. Late charges of $200 per semester are added to the student account if payment in full (less approved financial aid) is not received by the stated due date. Payment must be made prior to the start of the semester in order to attend classes. 

Charges for other items, such as College Store purchases, are added monthly. Statements are sent mid-month and are due 14 days after billing. 

Student accounts must be paid in full in order to register for the next semester and to sign up for student housing. Student accounts must also be paid in full in order to obtain official academic transcripts and to participate in commencement exercises. 

Students withdrawing from the College may be eligible to receive refunds as determined by the office in accordance with federal regulations.