

COVID Information

Please visit the link below for the latest information about the coronavirus outbreak.

Digital communications students work diligently in the Center for Writing & Tutoring

Accessing Appointments and Resources Online

If you have any questions or concerns about receiving help, please contact, or individually using the contact information here.

1:1 Academic Support

How can I connect with a member of the Academic Success team for help and support?

  • Members of the academic success team will offer daily drop-in hours online via conferencing tools. 
  • Hannah Stone, Academic Success Specialist, will offer daily drop-in hours Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to noon and 2–4 p.m. To access her WebEx meeting room during this time, please click here. NOTE: You may enter the room in a waiting room if Hannah is currently meeting with another student. 
  • Students can also email staff members to schedule online 1:1 and group meetings via WebEx, Zoom, Facetime, GoogleDuo, phone, email, and text.

Learning in a fully online format is new to me. How can the Academic Success team help me to be successful in this new format?

  • The Center for Academic Success team will continue to support students with tools centered explicitly on success in online learning environments:
    • Completing online homework.
    • Test-taking online.
    • Learning customization (settings, profile, notifications).
    • Time Management tools in Canvas (notifications, calendar, announcements, syllabus, modules).
  • If you are struggling with this transition, please contact one of us to schedule an appointment using the information listed above.
  • We will continue to check in with students as the transition takes place.
  • A team member will work with students who need assistance to develop individual success plans for the rest of the semester.

Peer Tutoring

I need to request a new peer tutor. What do I do?

  • If you would like to meet with a peer tutor, please submit a Tutor Request form. Our policy will stand: please complete a request form 48 hours before you would need help.
  • New requests will be processed from and assigned to a peer tutor, who is expected to respond to you within 48-72 hours.
  • Once a request is received, the assigned peer tutor will contact you directly, set up a meeting, and discuss next steps.
  • Tutors and clients are encouraged to work together for 1:1 online tutoring using a variety of means (Webex Teams, Zoom, email, text, Facetime, GoogleDuo, etc.).
    • All students can access Webex Teams using their LVC single sign-on information.

I am already working with a peer tutor. Can I still reach out to them for help?

  • Please connect with your tutor to determine how the two of you would like to continue working together. This may take a bit of trial and error as you work out the best option for your learning style.
  • Remember that online learning is quite different – you may need help with things now that previously had not presented difficulties. Be sure to discuss these needs with your tutor. Keep in mind that they are also navigating the online learning process.
  • Tutors and clients are encouraged to work together for 1:1 online tutoring using a variety of means (Webex Teams, Zoom, email, text, Facetime, GoogleDuo, etc.).
    • All students can access Webex Teams using their LVC single sign-on information.
  • 1:1 online tutoring will take place via email, text, Facetime, GoogleDuo, Zoom or WebEx Teams.

I usually attend a study pod for my course. Will they still be meeting?

  • If you are in a course with a study pod, you have been invited to a Canvas Course sorted by discipline named "Study Pods for XXX (Discipline(s)) Online."
  • Pods will meet using an online tool through Canvas called Conferences/BigBlueButton.
  • Unless you are told otherwise by your pod leader, you can expect the pod to still run on the same day and time online as it has in person all semester. View the full schedule.
  • Each week, you will be able to access your Study Pod using the “Conferences” tool on the left-hand sidebar from the main course page. This is a very simple process. Find the pod you are interested in joining, identified by course code, professor, where applicable, and pod leader, and select “Join.” You may choose to utilize the microphone or the video feature to participate.
  • There is also a tool for messages and notes.
  • Please “log-in” to track attendance by typing your name under the “Shared Notes” list.
  • Considerations: When joining a pod, please try to choose a quiet workspace with minimal distractions/interruptions/background noise.

Writing Tutoring

How can I receive help with a paper?

  • If you would like to have a paper reviewed by a writing tutor, please submit a Tutor Request form. Our policy will stand: please complete a request form 48 hours before you would need help.
  • In the “What would you like to work on during the session?” section, please include the specific things you are concerned about in your paper (e.g., organization, thesis, word choice, etc.).
  • New requests will be processed from and assigned to a writing tutor, who is expected to respond to you within 48-72 hours.
  • Once a request is received, the assigned writing tutor will contact you directly to receive your paper, set up a potential conference, and discuss further steps.
  • If you already work with a writing tutor, you will be encouraged to continue working together using a variety of means (Webex, Zoom, Facetime, GoogleDuo, etc.).
    • All students can access Webex Teams using their LVC single sign-on information.
  • All drop-in hours that would normally take place are canceled for the time being.

I am in an FYE course and use an FYE Writing Mentor to improve my writing skills. What happens now?

  • Your FYE Writing Mentor will communicate with you about the option to have papers emailed to them for review within a certain timeframe as an alternative to an in-person conference.
  • Your FYE Writing Mentor may choose to set up a video or phone meeting to discuss suggested ideas and revisions.
  • Please communicate with your class and offer to have papers emailed to you within a certain timeframe. Communicate with your professor and be aware of any deadline changes or course adjustments as a result of this move to online learning.
  • Note that suggestions will be provided via comments.

Are you struggling with a paper or looking to improve your writing skills? We're here to help!

In just a few short years, the Center for Academic Success has become a positive force on the Lebanon Valley College campus. We are about people helping people. We listen, attempt to define the problem, and aid in facilitating a possible solution, thus diminishing the client's anxiety without diminishing the client's independence in either the learning or writing process.

The mission of the Lebanon Valley College Center for Academic Success is to provide our clients with the tools, techniques, and confidence necessary to become successful communicators and writers. We do this by creating a comfortable environment in which clients and tutors work together at improving writing and thinking across the curriculum.

Request a Writing Tutor

Do you want higher grades or to improve your study skills? Peer Tutoring may be just the answer.

Peer Tutoring offers free assistance to students who want to improve their academic performance. Tutors can be provided for most 100- and 200-level courses offered. Peer Tutors are successful, upper-level students who are trained to help students clarify assignments, understand the subject matter, prepare homework, review homework, prepare for exams, review exams, improve study techniques, and improve time management. 

Tutors are available for individual and group sessions. They will contact students within 48-72 hours and arrange a time and place to meet. Please keep in mind that tutors are students themselves, and it is important to be flexible with appointments if you are looking to receive help. Requests submitted on Saturday and Sunday will only receive attention on Monday!!! 

Please note that we do not provide tutoring to high school students.

Request a Peer Tutor

Walk-In Hours & Appointments

Each semester, the Center for Academic Success is open for a fixed number of hours during which students can come by at their convenience or by appointment to work with writing tutors on duty at that time. Monday-Thursday, 7-9 p.m. Appointments are strongly encouraged, but not necessary. Please note that the walk-in schedule follows the academic calendar schedule; as long as classes are in-session, walk-in hours are in session. Please visit the Registrar's webpage to see the exact dates and times of spring, fall, and holiday breaks. For an appointment during off-hours, please fill out the tutor request form at least 48 hours in advance.

Final Exams Week

Walk-in hours

Regular drop-in hours follow the academic calendar and end by Wednesday, April 29. However, we do offer various drop-in hours during Finals Week. Two tutors will be on-duty in the Center for Writing & Tutoring Resources at the days and times listed below. The schedule for SP20 will be posted in early April 2020.