

COVID Information

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Virtual Learning FAQs

The LVC Center for Accessibility Resources affirms the right of persons with disabilities to obtain access in a manner promoting dignity and independence.


Student FAQ

Is the Center for Accessibility Resources open?

Yes, we are still available remotely Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. All drop-ins and student appointments will be conducted via phone or virtually (such as Zoom or WebEx) until further notice. The testing center will not be proctoring exams, while virtual instruction is in place.

If you have a question or concern, please either contact Erin Hannaford at 717-867-6071 and or Kris at 717-867-6028 and

What happens now that exams are online? How do I get extended time for an online exam?

The Center for Accessibility Resources will not be proctoring exams while Lebanon Valley College instruction remains online only. Please communicate with your instructors to discuss your exam accommodations in their courses.

  • Some instructors may opt for alternative assessments (e.g., essays, untimed exams) that would not require exam accommodations.
  • If your instructor is creating online timed exams, please make sure your professor knows you receive extended testing time. Professors will be responsible for setting up extended testing time within their online platform.

The Center for Accessibility Resources is available to instructors and students to consult about unique circumstances.

I currently have a volunteer note-taker assigned in my in-person class. Now that class is online, will I still receive a copy of the notes?

All volunteer student note-takers are to continue taking notes and uploading them. If you are having difficulty receiving your notes, please contact us.

Due to the switch to virtual learning, you may find that you no longer need a note-taker due to the course design changes. For example, lectures that are prerecorded videos can be watched at your own pace.

With the switch to all-virtual instruction, I anticipate barriers and would like to request new accommodations. What are my next steps?

If you are a student currently registered with the center, please contact Erin Hannaford if you need to add additional accommodations.

Non-registered students should begin by completing the online registration form.

Instructor FAQ

How will exam accommodations work?

Extended time on exams as accommodations generally only applies to traditional, time-limited exams. If you decide to offer alternative means of assessment (e.g., essays, non-timed exams, project work), then a student’s extended time may no longer be applicable. We encourage to speak with registered students if that is the case.

The testing center will not be proctoring exams while Lebanon Valley College’s instruction remains online only. All exams should be administered online or through other remote assessment methods by faculty.

Please communicate with your students to discuss their exam accommodations in your courses.

How do I give students their extended time for online quizzes and exams?

Prior to making time allotment adjustments, please confirm how much extended time each of your students should get for their quizzes/exams.

You can confirm an individual student’s extended time by checking their Letter of Accommodation or contacting the Center for Accessibility Resources.

Extended Time in Canvas: How to Moderate a Quiz?

What are some tips for making my online material accessible to students?

Accessible Documents: Documents provided on Canvas need to be accessible. For documents created using Microsoft Office suite, built-in accessibility checkers can provide feedback on errors and guidance on how to fix them.

Text Equivalents for Audio and Video: for audio, this could be a transcript for a video, and captions.

Text Equivalents for Images: any images in a course need a text description (in Canvas should be a field for alt text to add a description).

The Center for Accessibility also has an ADA compliance checklist for online classes. Please contact Erin Hannaford if you have not received it.

Requesting Services

Students with disabilities who need to receive accommodations initiate the process with the Center for Accessibility Resources by identifying as a student with a disability, providing appropriate documentation, and requesting the relevant accommodations. 

Service Request Process:

  • The student registers with the Center for Accessibility Resources. Students may complete a registration form in our office or register online.
  • The student provides documentation of disability.
  • The student schedules a collaborative intake with the director of accessibility resources to discuss and determine the need for academic accommodations. Planning for Disability-Related Services 
  • If the student is eligible for accommodations, an agreement is signed between the director of accessibility resources and the student.
  • An accommodation letter is issued to the student for the semester.
  • Students share the letter and discuss the accommodations with individual course professors: Talking to Professors About Your Disability