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Students Rights & Responsibilities

Students with disabilities have the right to expect all disability-related information to be treated confidentially, receive appropriate accommodations in a timely manner, and meet privately with faculty to discuss necessary accommodations.

Students with disabilities have the responsibility to:

  • Provide appropriate documentation of the disability,
  • Deliver accommodation letters and make an appointment with the instructor to facilitate accommodations,
  • Initiate requests for specific accommodations in a timely manner,
  • Follow procedures to receive appropriate accommodations,
  • Notify the director of disability resources immediately when an accommodation is not being provided completely or correctly,
  • Notify the director of disability resources when accommodation is no longer needed, and
  • Develop self-advocacy skills and communicate specific needs for accommodations.


Service Request Process

  • The student registers with the Center for Accessibility Resources. Students may complete a registration form in our office or register online below.
  • The student provides documentation of disability.
  • The student schedules a collaborative intake with the director of disability resources to discuss and determine the need for academic accommodations. Planning for Disability-Related Services 
  • If the student is eligible for accommodations, an agreement is signed between the director of accessibility resources and the student.
  • An accommodation letter is issued to the student for the semester.
  • Students share the letter and discuss the accommodations with individual course professors: Talking to Professors About Your Disability

Services Request Form

Student FAQs

How do I register for academic accommodations?

Students with disabilities register and request academic accommodations by contacting the Center for Accessibility Resources or by completing the online registration form. The director of disability resources will schedule an appointment with the student to discuss the disability and request for accommodations.

What types of documentation are acceptable?

Documentation may include medical records, evaluation/reevaluation reports, psychological reports, and psychiatric reports. Documentation should be current and thorough. The Disability Documentation Form is available as needed.

If I had an IEP or 504 plan in high school, am I automatically eligible for accommodations?

Although a student may have received services in a K-12 setting, this does not automatically qualify a student for disability services in college. Students must present documentation of a disability and request accommodations relevant to the college setting. 

Will information about my disability be shared with others?

When students disclose they have a disability, that information is treated confidentially. Accommodation letters only reference that the student has a documented disability, not the diagnosis. Students have the opportunity to sign a release form for various college departments, as needed.

I think I have a disability, but I do not have a diagnosis. How can I obtain an evaluation?

Students are encouraged to first consult with his or her medical provider. The Center for Accessibility Resources can provide a list of evaluators, on request. 

Does the Center for Accessibility Resources conduct educational evaluations?

No, the Center for Accessibility Resources does not provide evaluations to determine a student’s disability.  

Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society

The Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society recognizes students with disabilities for their academic accomplishments. This honor society facilitates development of skills in leadership, advocacy, and education for participating students. 

Students initiated into the Lebanon Valley College Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society have a documented disability and are registered with the Center for Accessibility Resources. They are undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 24 credits and attained a cumulative GPA of 3.1. Graduate students who have completed 18 credits and attained a cumulative GPA of 3.3 can also be initiated.