

COVID Information

Please visit the link below for the latest information about the coronavirus outbreak.

The intent of our policy is to foster responsible behavior in a working and academic environment free from discrimination and harassment. Sexual discrimination or harassment, sexual misconduct, and other sexually inappropriate behavior may affect the terms and conditions of employment or interfere with a student’s work or academic performance and create an intimidating or hostile environment for that employee or student. We encourage you to visit here to learn more about LVC’s policies, procedures, and resources.

Lebanon Valley College prohibits gender discrimination and the sexual harassment of employees and students, and will not tolerate sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or sexually inappropriate conduct in any form.

Such conduct is contrary to the values of Lebanon Valley College, violates the Student Conduct Code, and is a violation of College policy applicable to faculty and staff.

Persons who feel they are the victim of any form of sexual misconduct are encouraged to seek out support and report the incident immediately. There are resources on campus and in the Lebanon County community to assist in this regard. Confidential support is also available. 

Students Reporting a Complaint

Students who wish to bring a complaint of sexual misconduct should contact the Title IX coordinator or a deputy coordinator, the vice president of student affairs, associate dean of student affairs, residential life staff, or staff in the Office of Public Safety. The staff in each of these areas has reporting authorities and will initiate the College’s investigation process. A College official will apprise the student of the College’s policies and procedures in such cases, the rights of both parties, and the possible outcomes. 

Employees and Non-LVC Persons Reporting a Complaint

Employees and persons not directly affiliated with the College who wish to bring a complaint of sexual misconduct should contact the Title IX coordinator, a deputy coordinator, or a staff member in the Office of Public Safety. These staff members have reporting authorities and will initiate the College’s investigation process. They will apprise the reporting party of the College’s policies and procedures in such cases, the rights of all parties, and the possible outcomes. 

Reporting a Complaint Anonymously

All persons have the right to anonymously report incidents of sexual misconduct. Information provided by anonymous reporters will be taken seriously and investigated fully. Information obtained through the investigation will be used to identify violations of this policy and will inform formal action by College representatives. 

Counseling Support for Students

Talking with a trained counselor can be extremely helpful in dealing with emotional trauma and arriving at a decision about whether or not to report an incident. The Lebanon Valley College health and counseling services staff is available to help. All information will be held in strict confidence except as otherwise permitted by law.

Support Options

Reporting Options

LVC Public Safety (24 hours) • 717-867-6111

LVC Student Affairs • 717-867-6233

Annville Township Police Department • 717-867-2711

Confidential Support Options

LVC Counseling Services • 717-867-6696

LVC Health Services • 717-867-6232

Sexual Assault Resource & Counseling Center • 717-272-5308

Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon 717-273-7190

Pennsylvania Coalition against Rape toll-free hotline at 1-888-772-7227 

Online & Anonymous Reporting

To report anonymously by phone go to the Campus Conduct Hotline

To report anonymously online click here.