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The Lebanon Valley College Editorial Style Guide is designed to help community members answer grammatical and style questions.
The Editorial Style Guide is primarily adapted from The Associated Press Stylebook and However, adaptations have been made where needed. Note that this guide is intended for use in all print and electronic communications. Please contact Tom Hanrahan at with any questions or comments about the Editorial Style Guide.
(**) Denotes website-specific exceptions.
A- (academic degrees to athletic and recreational complex) | N - (names to numbers) |
B - (between/among to buildings/rooms/campus names | O - (occupations to oval logo) |
C - (classes and courses to cyber) | P - (parentheses to pronouns) |
D - (data to due to/because of) | Q - (QR codes to quotations) |
E - (e.g. to expect/accept) | R - (race to Rev.) |
F - (Facebook to fundraising/fundraiser) | S - (search engine optimization/SEO to symposiums) |
G - (geolocation/geotagging to Google) | T - (telephone numbers to Twitter/tweet/tweeted) |
H - (hashtag to hyphens/en dashes/em dashes) | U - (unfriend to use/utilize) |
I (i.e. to its/it’'s) | V - (vice president to VolP) |
J - (junior/senior/II/III) | W - (web to words not abbreviated) |
L - (lay/lie to -ly) | Y - (YouTube) |
M - (man/mankind to more than/over use) |
academic degrees
Academic degrees are only abbreviated after the use of a full name. They require periods after the letters in most cases, but no spaces after the periods: A.B.D., B.A., B.S., D.Ed., Ed.D., M.A., M.Ed., M.M.E., M.S.E., and Ph.D. “Degree” is not needed (and should not be used) after the abbreviation. An exception is made for MBA and DPT when it does not follow a full name. In all other cases, MBA or DPT may be used without periods.
Do not precede a name with a courtesy title for an academic degree and follow it with the abbreviation for the degree in the same reference. Do not use “a” in the title following a full name when it is part of a longer sentence.
Lebanon Valley College awards the following regular degrees (no spacing between abbreviated letters):
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Music (B.M.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.S. in Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences & Disorders (B.S.)
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science (B.S.)
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Master of Athletic Training (M.A.T.)
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A. or MBA)
Master of Music Education (M.M.E.)
Master in STEM Education (M.S.E.)
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (M.S.)
Honorary degrees awarded by the College are:
Doctor of Divinity (D.D.)
Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.)
Doctor of Laws (L.L.D.)
Doctor of Music (Mus.D.)
Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
abbreviations —courtesy titles
The following titles may be abbreviated outside direct quotations: Dr., Gov., Lt. Gov., Rep., Sen., the Rev., Pfc., Cpl., Sgt., 1st Lt., Capt., Maj., Lt. Col., Col., Gen., Cmdr., and Adm. Spell out all the above, except Dr., when used before a name in a direct quotation.
In many cases, “the Rev.” is the designation that applies before a name on the first reference. Use the Rev. Dr. only if the individual has an earned doctoral degree. Use only the last name on a second reference to members of the clergy.
Use “around” to refer to physical proximity or surrounding. Use “about” to indicate an approximation.
academic degrees
Lowercase when referring to a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree or to a doctoral or doctorate program. Do not capitalize “degree” when referring to a non-specific degree. Use the possessive form.
academic subjects
Capitalize an academic subject only when it is the name of a language, part of an official department name, or part of a course title.
To “accept” is to receive or to respond positively. To “except” is to leave out (verb) or with the exclusion of (preposition).
On the first reference, give the full name followed by the acronym in parentheses only when referring to the organization later in the text, usually without periods. Use only the acronym in subsequent references.
active voice
In most cases, avoid using the passive voice; the active voice creates a more interesting sound.
address/telephone number/website
Lebanon Valley College
(Department or Office)
101 N. College Avenue
Annville, PA 17003-1400
website: or
Use the abbreviations Ave., Blvd., and St., only with numbered addresses. Spell them out and capitalize when part of a formal street name without a number. Use lowercase and spell out when used alone or with more than one street name. All similar words, such as Alley, Drive, Road, Terrace, etc., are always spelled out.
Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names; use ordinal numbers for 10th and above. Do not use superscript or leave a space between.
administrative departments and offices
Capitalize the names of departments and offices. Do not capitalize “department,” “program,” or “office” when they stand alone. Do not capitalize an incomplete office name.
Official Names
Center for Accessibility Resources
Center for Global Education
Center for Writing and Tutoring Resources (individually, Center for Writing Resources and Center for Tutoring Resources)
Commuter Center
Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Graduate Success (acceptable to use Breen Center in following references)
Lebegern Learning Commons (lower level of Allan W. Mund College Center)
Leedy Theater
Academic Departments
Athletic Training
Business Administration and Economics
Chemistry and Physics
Communication Sciences and Disorders/Speech-Language Pathology
Design, Media, and Technology
Exercise Science
Mathematical Sciences
Physical Therapy
Social Sciences
Academic and Administrative Departments, Offices, and Programs
Academic Affairs
Alumni & Parent Programs
Audiovisual Technology
Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Academic Success
Vernon and Doris Bishop Library
Business Office
Center for Accessibility Resources
Center for Global Studies
Center for Writing and Tutoring Resources (Center for Tutoring Resources, Center for Writing Resources)
Community Service and Volunteerism
Counseling Services
Dining Services
Facilities Services (Grounds Department, Housekeeping Department, Maintenance Department)
Financial Aid Office
Graduate and Online Studies
Health Services
Human Resources and Payroll and Benefits
Information Technology
Intercultural Affairs and Inclusive Programs
Marketing and Communications
Public Safety
Registrar’s Office
Residential Life
Spiritual Life
Student Activities
Student Affairs
Vernon and Doris Bishop Library
not adviser
not advisery
not esthetic
Affect is primarily a verb, meaning to have an influence on. Effect as a noun means result or consequence; as a verb, it means to bring about.
afterward, not afterwards
all right
all right, not alright
An “allusion” is an implied or indirect reference. An “illusion” is a false impression or image.
The allusion was to the student’s ability to read her mind. The professor created an illusion of lightning and thunder.
Allwein Scholars
The official name of the program is “John Bowman Allwein Scholars Program.” It is acceptable to use “Allwein Scholars” when referencing these students.
alma mater
Capitalize and italicize alma mater in reference to LVC’s song; use lowercase without italics in all other references.
alumni identification
Identify alumni by giving their year of graduation with an apostrophe before the year. If the person has more than one degree from LVC, include both years separated by a comma. If there is no letter before a class year, the degree is assumed to be a bachelor’s degree. Letters should be used for all other degrees awarded by LVC as follows: DPT (doctor of physical therapy, D’21); H.D. (honorary doctorate, H’21); M.A.T. (master of athletic training, M’21); M.B.A. (master of business administration, M’21), M.M.E. (master of music education, M’21); M.S. (master of speech-language pathology, M’21); and M.S.E. (master of STEM education, M’21). LVC affiliation should also be noted for parents of students and graduates (P’21).
Identify alumni with advanced degrees from other institutions by stating their name, the advanced degree offset by a comma, and their LVC class year.
alumna/alumnae/alumnus/alumni An alumna is a female graduate. Alumnae are a group of women graduates. “Alumna” refers to one woman, “alumnae” refers to a group of women, “alumnus” refers to one man, and “alumni” refers to a group of men or a group of men and women. It is rare to see the feminine plural form, “alumnae.” Most often the form “alumni” is used for any group of graduates.
alumni awards
Lebanon Valley College presents the following alumni awards:
Alumni Citation
Creative Achievement Award
D. Clark Carmean Award in Admission
Distinguished Alumni Award*
June Herr Outstanding Educator of the Year Award
Young Alumni Award*
*Note: The name of the above awards must be gender-specific when it precedes or follows the name of the award winner.
Do not capitalize “a.m.” or “p.m.” Use periods without intervening spaces.
Use “among” to show the relationship between three or more objects. Use “between” to show the relationship between two objects. Any pronouns that follow “among” or “between” must be in the objective case: among us; between him and her; between you and me.
ampersand (&)
For print and electronic communications, do not use ampersands (&) except in some formal corporate names and titles. Some campus exceptions exist (Alumni & Parent Engagement; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Computer & Data Science; Communication Sciences & Disorders, Track & Field) as well as exceptions for the College website as noted below.
Short for application. App is acceptable on second reference.
not appendixes
apostrophes, single and double quotation marks
Always use true apostrophes and quotations—sometimes called “curly” or “smart” quotes. Macs and PCs can be set to automatically use this style. Contact IT Services if you need assistance in locating this option on your computer.
Use “around” to refer to physical proximity or surrounding. Use “about” to indicate an approximation.
athletic awards
Lebanon Valley College presents the following athletic awards:
Chuck Maston Memorial Award
Honorable John A. Walter Outstanding Scholar-Athlete Award
John Zola Memorial Award
Lebanon Valley College Athletic Service Award
Lou Sorrentino ’54 Outstanding Male Athlete Award
Outstanding Woman Athlete Award
Student-Athlete Advisory Council Team of the Year
Woman’s Sportsmanship Award
athletic and recreational complex
Edward H. Arnold Sports Center or Arnold Sports Center
Heilman Center
Henry and Gladys Arnold Field or Arnold Field
Herbert Field (soccer pitch)
Lebanon Valley College Softball Park
Louis A. Sorrentino Gymnasium or Sorrentino Gymnasium
LVC Sports Center (entire building complex)
LVC Sports Complex or LVC Athletic Complex (when encompassing several athletic areas of North Campus)
McGill Baseball Park
Rohland Fields
Shankroff Tennis Center
Use “among” to show the relationship between three or more objects. Use “between” to show the relationship between two objects. Any pronouns that follow “among” or “between” must be in the objective case: among us; between him and her; between you and me.
Originally a shortening for weblog/video log, blog and vlog are now accepted. Use lowercase letters except when either word is used in a title or as the first word of a sentence.
Blue & White Club
Always use an ampersand for the Blue & White Club. Donors can give to specific teams or to the Blue & White Club to support all student-athletes.
board of trustees
The “board of trustees” should be capitalized only when referring to Lebanon Valley College’s board, but “board” by itself is not capitalized, nor is “trustees.”
building, room, and facility names (accepted use in parentheses)
Administration Building/Humanities Center
Allan W. Mund College Center (Mund College Center; upper level; entire building)
Benjamin Cantor Entrance
Bertha Brossman Blair Music Center (Blair Music Center)
Bollinger Plaza
Campbell and Attick Learning Resource Center (lower level technology classroom in Blair)
Carmean Plaza
Carnegie Building
Clyde A. Lynch Memorial Hall (Clyde A. Lynch Memorial Hall)
Elaine Frock Conference Room
Emmett C. Roop Management Department Wing
Fasick Bridge
Fencil Building
Frank Aftosmes House
Frock Conference Room
Humanities Center: official name is Administration Building/Humanities Center. However, the Administration Building or Humanities Center is acceptable.
High Family Terrace
Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion
Maud P. Laughlin Hall (Laughlin Hall)
Lebanon Valley College Arboretum
Lebegern Learning Commons (lower level of Mund)
Leedy Theater
Lehr Dining Room
Leon and Ethel Yeiser Rose Garden
Lewis Health Performance Lab
Louis A. Sorrentino Gymnasium (Sorrentino Gymnasium)
Lutz Hall
Frederic K. Miller Chapel (Miller Chapel)
Neidig-Garber Science Center (always hyphenate Neidig-Garber)
Peace Garden
Phillips Dining Room
Presser Gillespie Keyboard Lab
Reinhart Board Committee Room
Shroyer Health Center
Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery*
Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery**
Zimmerman Recital Hall
Synodinos Commons
The Underground
Tweedie Meeting Rooms
Vernon and Doris Bishop Library
Wagner House
Wengert Living Room
William H. Lodge Mathematical Sciences Center
Williams Woods
Wood Thrush Research Preserve at Rohland Farm
Rosemary Yuhas Commons (Yuhas Commons)
Zimmerman Recital Hall: should always be referred to as Zimmerman Recital Hall of the Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery
*Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery is used only in reference to the art gallery.
**Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery is used for references to the building.
***Capitalize “Gallery” whenever referring to the Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery.
Spell out the first through ninth centuries. Use numerals for the 10th century and above. Do not use superscript for “nd,” “st,” “rd,” or “th,” and do not capitalize “century” unless it is part of a proper name or used in a title.
Place a comma between the city and state name, and another comma after the state name, unless ending a sentence.
State Abbreviations
classes and courses
Use lowercase when referring to academic classes and courses unless the specific and complete title is used or the name carries a proper noun or numeral.
“The” must precede “Reverend” or “Rev.” as a title when the person also has a doctorate, “Dr.” comes after “Rev.”
Always hyphenated.
collective nouns
Nouns such as class, committee, crowd, faculty, family, group, jury, orchestra, staff, and team denote a unit and require singular verbs and pronouns. To create a plural construction, add “members” for clarity.
Capitalize “College” in all references to Lebanon Valley College.
College awards
Lebanon Valley College presents the following awards:
Founders Day
Howard Anthony Neidig
Nevelyn Knisley Award for Inspirational Teaching
Student Government Educator of the Year
Thomas Rhys Vickroy Award for Teaching
Student Government Educator of the Year
College Store
It is the LVC College Store and capitalized. It is never referred to as the bookstore or college bookstore. For marketing purposes, the Office of Marketing and Communications will sometimes refer to it as the Barnes & Noble LVC College Store.
colons and semicolons
Use a colon toward the end of a sentence to introduce lists, tabulations, texts, etc. Capitalize the first word after a colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence.
A semicolon connects an independent and a dependent clause with a connecting word like “therefore” or “however” and to clarify a series. Use semicolons to separate elements of a series when the items in the series are long or when individual segments contain material that also must be set off by commas. Note that the semicolon is used before the final “and” in such a series or final conjunction.
In a Series: Use commas to separate elements in a series. Put a comma before the conjunction in all series (both simple and complex):
With Equal Adjectives: Use commas to separate a series of adjectives equal in rank. If the comma could be replaced by “and” without changing the sense, the adjectives are equal:
Use no comma when the last adjective before a noun outranks its predecessors because it is an integral element of a noun phrase, which is the equivalent of a single noun:
With Hometowns and Ages: Use a comma to set off an individual’s hometown when it is placed in opposition to a name (whether “of” is used or not):
Names of States and Nations Used with City Names:
In Large Figures: Use a comma for most figures greater than 999. The major exceptions are street addresses (1234 Main St.), broadcast frequencies (1460 kilohertz), room numbers, serial numbers, telephone numbers, and years (1876).
Placement with Quotes: Commas always go inside quotation marks.
With Full Dates: When a phrase refers to a month, day, and year, set off the year with a comma:
commas and names
Do not use a comma before “Jr.,” “Sr.,” “II,” etc., after a person’s name.
Always capitalize “Commencement” and “Convocation” when used to reference LVC ceremonies.
Only capitalize “committee” when it is part of the proper name of a group. Do not capitalize it on subsequent references even when referring to a specific committee.
company names
Only use the abbreviations Co., Cos., Inc., or Ltd. if it is part of an official name or title of an organization. Do not use a comma before Inc. or Ltd. unless the company does so in its official title. Only use the ampersand if it is part of an official name or title.
“Compose” is to create or put together; “comprise” is to contain, to include all, or embrace; and “constitute” is to make up, to be the elements of.
composition titles
Apply the guidelines listed here to titles of books, computer games, movies, operas, plays, poem, albums and songs, radio and television programs, lectures, speeches, and works of art.
The guidelines, followed by a block of examples:
–Capitalize the principal words, including prepositions and conjunctions of four or more letters.
–Capitalize an article – the, a, an – or words of fewer than four letters if it is the first or last word in a title.
–Put quotation marks around the names of all such works except the Bible and books that are primarily catalogs of reference material. In addition to catalogs, this category includes almanacs, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, gazetteers, handbooks, and similar publications. Do not use quotation marks around software titles like Microsoft 360.
–Translate an international title into English unless the work is known by its foreign name. An exception to this is reviews of musical performances. In those instances, refer to the work in the language it was sung in, so as to differentiate for the reader. However, musical compositions in Slavic languages are always referred to in their English translations.
Examples: “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “Gone With the Wind,” “Of Mice and Men,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls”
Reference works: “Jane’s All the World's Aircraft,” “Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second Edition”
**Names of most websites and apps are capitalized without quotes: Facebook
International works: Rousseau’s “War,” not Rousseau’s “La Guerre.” But: Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.” Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro” if sung in English but “Le Nozze di Figaro” if sung in Italian.
– For other classical music titles, use quotation marks around the composition's nickname but not around a composition identified by its sequence.
Examples: Dvorak’s “New World Symphony.” Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9.
“Continual” is steady repetition. “Continuous” is uninterrupted.
coursework or course work
Always one word, coursework.
courtesy/formal titles
Do not use courtesy titles (Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms.) before a name unless requested by the subject. Instead, use the first and last names with the middle initial on first reference and last name only on the following references. If the person is a married alumna who has taken her husband’s last name, substitute her middle initial with her surname at birth. On subsequent references, use the last name only.
Always one word.
“Currently” and “presently” are not synonymous. “Currently” means now, and “presently” means for the time being, temporarily. In most cases, “currently” is unnecessary. Instead of writing, “We are currently revising the plan,” write, “We are revising the plan.”
Each is one word; do not hyphenate.
As a plural count noun, “data” usually takes a plural verb. When “data” is used as a collective noun, or when the group or quantity is regarded as a mass noun, it takes a singular verb.
Do not use “nd,” “st,” “rd,” or “th” with dates.
Do not use “on” with a date unless it is needed to avoid confusion. See “months” for a list of official abbreviations and their usage.
days of the week
Do not abbreviate the days of the week. Separate the day from the month with a comma.
Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural when referring to a decade as an era.
department chair titles (official title; title to use in text)
different from
Use “different from,” not “different than.”
When mentioning whole dollar amounts, simply use a dollar sign and the numbers; do not use a decimal point and zeroes. For amounts over $999, use a comma to separate digits. For amounts over a million dollars, use the dollar sign and the numerals up to two decimal places.
“Dot-com” is always hyphenated.
due to/because of
“Due to” is adjectival, and in proper usage, you should be able to substitute it with “attributable to,” “caused by,” or “resulting from.” “Because of” is adverbial and means “as a result of.” Do not use “due to” to mean “because of.”
Meaning “for example.” It is always followed by a comma.
ellipsis (...)
In general, treat an ellipsis as a three-letter word, constructed with three periods and two spaces. Use an ellipsis to indicate the deletion of one or more words in condensing quotes, texts, and documents. Be especially careful to avoid deletions that would distort the meaning.
“Email,” without a hyphen, is acceptable in all references for electronic mail. “ePayment,” without a hyphen, is the official name for LVC’s online payment system. In those instances, capitalize the “P.” Use a hyphen with other e-terms: e-book, e-business, e-commerce, e-communications. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used in a title or as the first word of a sentence.
Emerita (for a woman) and emeritus (for a man) should follow a person’s name and formal title. Emeriti is used for a mixed group. All three words should be italicized.
“Ensure” means to guarantee an event or condition. “Insure” has a context of limited financial liability for a person, place, or thing. “Assure” is done toward a person or animal to remove anxiety or doubt.
“Entitled” means a right to do or have something. It is optional to use “titled” to introduce the name of a publication, speech, musical piece, etc.
Abbreviation for et cetera, a Latin expression meaning “and other things” or “and so on.” A single period should follow in all cases.
Ethernet is always capitalized.
Hyphenate compound words beginning with “ex-” and meaning former.
To “accept” is to receive or to respond positively. To “except” is to leave out (verb) or with the exclusion of (preposition).
Always capitalized.
The collective nouns “faculty” and “staff” are singular nouns. To create a plural construction, use “members of the faculty/staff” or “faculty/staff members.”
faculty/student innovation funds
Breen Technology Fund
Edward H. Arnold and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold Program for Experiential Education
High-Impact Experience Fund
Inclusive Excellence Fund
President’s Innovation Fund
Student Innovation Fund
faculty titles
The title of “professor” may be used for persons with the rank of professor, assistant professor, associate professor, or adjunct professor, but not for those with the rank of lecturer or instructor. Do not abbreviate “professor” as “prof.” The title “Dr.” is proper to use only for persons who have earned doctoral degrees and should not be used for faculty members who have not earned one of these degrees.
“Farther” refers to physical distance. “Further” refers to an extension of time or degree.
Generally, “fewer” is used with nouns that can be counted and “less” with nouns that cannot be counted individually. However, “less” is idiomatic in certain constructions where “fewer” would occur according to the traditional rule. “Less than” is used before a plural noun that denotes a measure of time, amount, or distance: less than three weeks; less than $400; less than 50 miles. “Less” is sometimes used with plural nouns in the expressions “no less than.”
Flying Dutchman/Flying Dutchmen
The Flying Dutchman has traditionally been the athletic mascot of Lebanon Valley College, although in recent years it has been used throughout campus and in some admission communications. “Dutchman” should only be used when referring to the actual mascot. “Dutchmen” is the recommended reference in all other use. When referring to LVC athletic teams or the athletic program, the plural, “Flying Dutchmen” or “Dutchmen,” should always be used. The Flying Dutchman logo should primarily be used for athletics, though it may also be used for campus spirit events.
Founders Day
The plural form of “founder,” without the possessive, is used when referencing to LVC’s “Founders Day.”
Spell out fractions in written material. Hyphenate them when they are used as adjectives or adverbs.
Acceptable as nouns and verbs and describing actions by which users connect to other users on social networks. “Friend” and “like” are typically used on Facebook, while Twitter users “follow” or “have followers.”
full time/full-time
Hyphenate when “full time” is used as a compound modifier.
One word in all cases.
Geolocation is the association of your virtual location with your physical location. Geotagging is the act of adding geographical metadata to pieces of media or social media updates. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used in a title or as the first word of a sentence and do not hyphenate.
Google is a trademark for a web search engine. Google, Googling, and Googled are used informally as a verb for searching for information on the internet, and each term should always be capitalized.
To hashtag is to use a number sign (#) in a tweet to convey the subject a user is writing about so that it can be indexed and accessed in other users’ feeds. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used as the first word of a sentence and do not hyphenate.
“Homepage” is constructed as a single word. Use lowercase letters if it is not the first word in a sentence.
honorary degrees
Lebanon Valley College awards the following honorary degrees (no spacing between abbreviated letters):
Doctor of Divinity (D.D.)
Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.)
Doctor of Laws (L.L.D.)
Doctor of Music (Mus.D.)
Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
Use lowercase and italicize cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude.
hot spot
Two words, for the description of the area where computers can connect wirelessly among others. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used as the first word of a sentence.
hyphens/en dashes/em dashes
Hyphens are the shortest dashes used to hyphenate words.
En dashes are longer hyphens and are used to separate ranges of numbers. If “to” can be substituted in place of the dash, then an en dash is the preferred punctuation to use. En dashes are also used instead of hyphens in compound adjectives when one of the items is two words or a hyphenated word.
Em dashes are the longest dashes. They are used to indicate breaks of thought within sentences.
Contact IT Services or the Office of Marketing and Communications if you need help locating the en- and em-dash options on your computer.
Always followed by a comma.
Abbreviation for instant messaging; sometimes used as a verb IM’ing, IM’ed is acceptable on second reference for instant messaging.
Use periods and no space when an individual uses initials instead of a first name.
in regard to
Use “regarding” instead.
Neither word is capitalized unless starting a sentence or in a formal title (i.e. Voice over Internet Protocol).
Do not confuse “its” with “it’s.” “Its” is the possessive form of “it.” “It’s” is the contraction of “it is.”
Abbreviate “Junior” and “Senior” after a person’s name. Do not use a comma after the name or after the generational.
“Lay” means to place or deposit, and requires a direct object (forms: lay, laid, laid, laying). “Lie” means to be in a reclining position or to be situated; it does not take an object (forms: lie, lay, lain, laying).
Lebanon Valley College
The formal title of our institution is Lebanon Valley College; this name and the College website ( is to be used in all public-oriented communications. The abbreviated forms LVC and The Valley are acceptable in succeeding references only after the formal title of the College has been stated. Also, use “an LVC” rather than “a LVC” where appropriate.
A speaker stands behind a lectern or on a podium.
To “let alone” means to leave something undisturbed. To “leave alone” means to depart from or cause to be in solitude.
Form plurals of letters, numbers, symbols, abbreviations, and words used as words by adding an apostrophe and an “s.” Mind your P’s and Q’s. Do not use an ampersand (&) in place of “and” in printed work.
Likable, not likeable.
The L and I are always capitalized.
Livable, not liveable.
In most cases, “located” is not necessary to the construction of a sentence. Instead of writing, “The bookstore is in the Allan W. Mund College Center,” write, “The bookstore is in the Allan W. Mund College Center.” Do not use, “Where are you located?” Instead, use “Where are you?”
“Login,” “logon,” and “logoff” are single words when used as nouns. They are two words when used as verbs. The login consists of a user name and password. A user name and password is necessary to log in to the computer.
An approved College logo may be used on material that is less formal than that requiring the official seal. All College stationery, brochures, and publications should carry an approved College logo and official College web address (
“Lowercase” is one word when referring to the absence of capital letters. “Uppercase” is one word when referring to capital letters.
Do not hyphenate compound modifiers with an adverb ending in “-ly.”
“Man” has come to mean an adult male rather than a general term for men and women. To avoid sexist language, use “humanity,” “human beings,” “people,” or “the average person” instead of “mankind” or “the common man.”
Always one word. Use lowercase except when metadata is used in a company title or the first word of a sentence.
Spell out inches, feet, and other units of measurements.
Always one word. Use lowercase except when microsite is used in a company title or the first word of a sentence.
“Midnight” and “noon” should stand alone; do not put “12” in front of either one.
The months March, April, May, June, and July should not be abbreviated. Abbreviate the names of other months only if stating a specific date. Do not abbreviate a month used alone or with the year only.
more than/over
“more than” to mean in excess of. Use “over” when referring to the physical placement of an object, an ending, or extent of authority.
Form plurals of family names that end in “s” by adding “es.”
nouns not ending in “s”
Form the possessive of singular or plural nouns that do not end in “s” by adding an apostrophe and an “s.”
In general, spell out the numbers one through nine and use numerals for 10 and above. Ages, however, are always written with numerals. Spell out numbers for school grades and numbers that begin a sentence.
Avoid using masculine terms to describe occupations. Instead of “chairman,” use “chair” or “chairperson” or a similar, neutral term. Instead of businessman, fireman, or mailman, use business executive or manager, firefighter, or mail carrier.
off-campus locations
Allen Theatre and Backstage Cafe
Quittapahilla Creek
Quittie Park
on campus/on-campus
Hyphenate when “on campus” is used as a compound modifier.
“Online” and “offline” are single words.
oval logo
An official interlocking LVC logo is used on athletic publications, as well as on other less formal publications. See the LVC Visual Identity Guide for guidance on the appropriate use of College logos.
Place the period inside the parentheses when the material inside the parentheses forms an independent sentence; otherwise place the period outside.
Parents Council and Parents Guide
The plural “parents” is the correct form to use in reference to LVC’s “Parents Council” and “Parents Guide.”
part time/part-time
Hyphenate when “part-time” is used as a compound modifier.
past experience
“Experience” stands alone. Using “past” and “experience” together is redundant.
Use numerals for percentages and always spell out “percent.”
A form of internet fraud that aims to steal personal information such as credit cards, Social Security numbers, user IDs, and passwords. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used as the first word of a sentence.
plural nouns
For plural nouns ending in “s,” form the possessive by adding an apostrophe after the “s.”
For singular nouns, form the possessive of singular nouns ending in “s” by adding an apostrophe at the end of the word.
See nouns not ending in “s,” pronouns, and singular nouns.
Preferred Names and Pronouns
The College is committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and support, including all members forms of self-identification. LVC's Policy on Preferred Names and Pronouns provides uses of preferred first names and pronouns recorded for students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
The possessive of indefinite pronouns, but not of personal pronouns, is formed by adding an apostrophe and an “s.” The possessive forms of personal pronouns—his, hers, its, theirs, ours, and yours—do not have apostrophes.
QR code
Abbreviation of quick response code, the QR is always capitalized and code is always lowercase.
Periods and commas go inside quotation marks; colons and semicolons go outside quotation marks. Place exclamation points and question marks inside the quotation marks when they are part of the quotation; otherwise, place them outside. In long quotations, each new paragraph should begin with an open quotation mark.
Capitalize the names of races such as “African-American,” “Asian,” “Caucasian,” and “Hispanic.”
An abbreviation for Really Simple Syndication, which is a protocol for subscribing to and distributing feeds that notify people of new entries on news sites, blogs, podcasts, or other online information sources. RSS is acceptable in all references.
In general, lowercase “north,” “south,” “northeast,” “northern,” etc., when they indicate compass directions; capitalize these words when they designate regions.
residence halls
Always refer to campus housing as residence hall(s); dormitory or dormitories is no longer applicable.
Centre Hall
38 College Avenue
44 College Avenue
104 College Avenue
118 College Avenue
136 College Avenue
138 College Avenue
144 College Avenue
150 College Avenue
Dellinger Hall
Derickson A Hall Apartments
Derickson B Hall Apartments
Friendship House
Funkhouser Hall
Hammond Hall
Keister Hall
Maple Hall East
Maple Hall West
Marquette Hall
Mary Green Hall
North College
20 West Sheridan Hall
22 West Sheridan Hall
24 West Sheridan Hall
73 East Sheridan Hall
79 East Sheridan Hall
81 East Sheridan Hall
Silver Hall
Stanson Hall
Vickroy Hall
The practice, on Twitter, of forwarding a message or link from someone else to your followers. Used without a hyphen and lowercase except when the words are used in a title or as the first word of a sentence.
search engine optimization/SEO
Never hyphenated; SEO is acceptable on second reference.
Do not capitalize the names of seasons unless they are part of a proper name.
Hyphenate compound words beginning with “self-.”
singular nouns
Form the possessive of singular nouns ending in “s” by adding an apostrophe at the end of the word.
Always one word.
social media
Online tools that people use to connect with one another, including social networks. Used without a hyphen and lowercase except when the words are used in a title or as the first word of a sentence.
social network/social networking
A practice by which people meet, interact, and share information online through the use of such sites as Facebook or Twitter.
spaces between sentences
Use only one space between sentences.
Do not abbreviate Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, or Utah. Always spell out the name of any state when it is used alone. When the name of the state follows the city, use the Associated Press abbreviations given below, not the postal service abbreviations.
State Abbreviations
Ala., Ariz., Ark., Calif., Colo., Conn., Del., Fla., Ga., Ill., Ind., Kan., Ky., La., Md., Mass., Mich., Minn., Miss., Mo., Mont., Neb., Nev., N.H., N.J., N.M., N.Y., N.C., N.D., Okla., Ore., Pa., R.I., S.C., S.D., Tenn., Vt., Va., Wash., W.Va., Wis., and Wyo. Use Washington, D.C. Do not abbreviate to D.C. or DC.
Use “student” or “students,” not “student body.”
student classifications
Use “first-year,” instead of “freshman/freshmen.” Do not capitalize “first-year,” “sophomore,” “junior,” and “senior.” Capitalize “class” only when it is part of the name of a specific group or program title.
not symposia
telephone numbers
If a communication is used only on campus, the area code and prefix may be omitted, using the four-digit extension number preceded by the abbreviation “ext.” in lowercase. Call the Office of Marketing and Communications at ext. 6030 if you have any questions. If a communication may or will be sent off campus, include the area code and hyphens (no periods or parenthesis) between the area code, prefix, and four-digit extension. If the communication will be used on- and off-campus, include the area code and use hyphens between the area code, prefix, and four-digit extension, followed by the extension in parenthesis.
text/texting/texted/text messaging
Acceptable in all usages: to send a text message.
“Than” is a conjunction used in comparisons; “then” is an adverb indicating time. The new gym is bigger than the old one. The students studied hard for the exam, and then it was postponed.
Use that and which in referring to inanimate objects. Use that for essential clauses, important to the meaning of a sentence, and without commas. Use which for nonessential clauses, where the pronoun is less necessary, and use commas. A simple test: Once the sentence is written, try reading it without the clause. If the sentence still means about the same thing, the clause should be introduced with “which.” If taking out the clause changes the meaning drastically, it should be introduced with “that.”
Use “theater” unless the British spelling, “theatre” is part of a proper name, as in “Allen Theatre.”
The Valley
When referring to Lebanon Valley College, capitalize the “t” in “The” when referencing "The Valley." The “v” in “valley” is always capitalized. Only refer to the College as "The Valley" after using the complete title in the initial reference.
The Valley Fund
The Valley Fund is the official title of Lebanon Valley College’s annual fund and is always capitalized.
When stating a time, use lowercase with periods for “a.m.” and “p.m.”; do not use “:00.” Do not put the number 12 in front of either noon or midnight. Use either “noon” or “12 p.m.”; “midnight” or “12 a.m.” Never use 12 noon or 12 midnight. Use an en-dash, rather than a hyphen, between time ranges.
“Entitled” means a right to do or have something. It is optional to use “titled” to introduce the name of a publication, speech, musical piece, etc.
Capitalize and spell out formal titles only when they immediately precede a name. Do not capitalize titles that follow a name. (The exception to this rule is “president,” which is always capitalized when it refers to the President of the United States.) The preferred method is to have the title follow the formal name.
Toward, not towards
Do not use without context and explanation.
Do not capitalize “trustee” before a name.
A message-distribution system that allows users to post continual updates of up to 140 characters detailing their activities for followers or provide links to content. The verb is to tweet, tweeted. A Twitter message is known as a tweet. Capitalize Twitter when referring to the company; lowercase all other variants.
To remove someone from a list of friends, usually on Facebook. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used as the first word of a sentence.
Do not use “utilize.” It is the awkward verb form of the obsolete adjective “utile.”
vice president
not vice-president
video conference
Video conference is always two words.
Voice over Internet Protocol is a method of transmitting sound as data over the internet, allowing for inexpensive phone conversations. VoIP is acceptable on second reference.
Web is never capitalized unless starting a sentence or in a formal title.
website/webcam/webcast/webinar/webmaster/Web page/Web/Web feed
website, not web site; webcam, webcast, webinar, and webmaster. However, in short form and in terms with separate words, use the web, web page, and web feed. The official College website is All College e-communications, advertisements, stationery, brochures, and publications must include the official College website and the approved College wordmark.
If a sentence has an objective clause referring to a person or animal with a proper name, “whom” should be used.
Software that allows a group of users to add, delete, edit, and share information on an intranet or internet website. Use lowercase letters except when the word is used in a title or as the first word of a sentence.
widows and orphans
In typesetting terminology, an “orphan” is a short word or part of a word that ends a paragraph. A “widow” is a short line or a single word that ends a paragraph on the first line of a column. They should be avoided because they impair legibility.
Always capitalized.
An approved College wordmark and the College website ( should be used on all public communications. See the LVC Visual Identity Guide for guidance on the appropriate use of the College wordmark. All College e-communications, advertisements, stationery, brochures, and publications should carry the approved wordmark.
words not abbreviated
Do not abbreviate the following words: assistant, associate, association, attorney, building, district, government, president, professor, or superintendent.
The Y and T are always capitalized.
Updated August 23, 2019