

COVID Information

Please visit the link below for the latest information about the coronavirus outbreak.

Committee Scope of Responsibilities

The purpose of the committee is to promote a safe working, living, and learning environment for all employees, students, and guests of the College. In addition, the efforts of the committee are intended to protect and make more accessible College buildings, grounds, and other property. 

The Committee’s primary responsibility is to engage College employees in active participation in developing a safe, accessible and healthful work environment. The committee will function as the coordinating body for assessing and responding to issues in order to reduce overall exposure to accidents and injuries/illnesses.  

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Increase employee involvement in safety and accessibility
  • Improve safety-related and accessibility communications
  • Recommend safety training programs to employees
  • Review accident and illness reports to detect trends and plan prevention
  • Promote safety, accessibility and health awareness throughout the College
  • Make recommendations to senior leadership for specific policy and procedure reviews
  • Review accidents and near misses and recommend corrective actions
  • Development of a schedule identifying safety inspections that are required to occur on a regular basis 
  • Bring proactive safety, accessibility and health issues to each meeting
  • Development of a system for reporting concerns related to safety and accessibility
  • Maintain knowledge and understanding of the American Disability Act (ADA) and apply its principles

Please email to report a safety concern. If you have an immediate concern, call the Office of Public Safety at 717-867-6111 or the Office of Facilities Services at 717-867-6340.



Committee Members

  • Rachel Brunner, benefits and HRIS specialist, co-chair
  • Michael Mumper, director of facilities management, co-chair
  • Brent Oberholtzer, director of public safety, co-chair
  • Erin Hannaford, director of accessibility resources
  • Tom Hanrahan, director of campus communications
  • Wesley Harding, building maintenance technician (HVAC/Plumber)
  • Ann Hayes, senior director of human resources & Title IX coordinator
  • Marcus Horne, campus chemical and environmental coordinator
  • Jamie Ressler, manager of housekeeping
  • Jill Savini, registered staff nurse
  • Melissa Sherwood, human resources generalist
  • Chuck Yasinski, head athletic trainer