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Grading Options

Undergraduate  Graduate Description Additional Information
 A, A-
 A, A-
 B+, B, B-  B+, B, B-
 C+, C, C-
 C+, C
 D+, D, D-
 (Not Used) Requirements and standards met at minimum level  
 F  F Fail–course requirements and standards not satisfied at minimum level  
 P  P  Pass Entered for courses that may only be taken pass/fail. Students electing to take a course pass/fail should be given letter grades; the Registrar’s Office will adjust them to P, PH, or F, as appropriate.
 PH  (Not Used) Pass with honors–superior work for courses taken pass/fail
 S  S  Satisfactory Entered for courses not carrying academic credit.
 U  Unsatisfactory
 AU  Audit Only for students who have applied to take the course for audit. Students who do not meet audit requirement (at least regular attendance) will be withdrawn. Please notify the Registrar’s Office in such cases.
 I I
 Incomplete Recorded by the Registrar’s Office upon receipt of a Request for Incomplete Grade Form. See below for more information on the process/policy.
 IP  IP  In Progress Reserved for pre-determined courses that are still in progress. Please notify the Registrar’s Office in such cases (IP grades cannot be entered online).
 NG (Not used)
 Not Graded
Recorded by the Registrar's Office for 0-credit courses in cases where either the course (such as a lab) or the student (as with some immersive experiences) are not being graded.  In the case of a lab, grading is factored into the main/lecture portion of the course.

Frequently Asked Questions (Final Grades)

Why am I not able to record certain grades in AccessLVC?

You may only record grades that are appropriate for your course.  For instance, graduate courses may not use all grades available to undergraduate courses and courses graded only pass/fail may not use conventional grades.  Please refer to the above chart for grading options appropriate for your course.  In addition, incomplete and in-progress grades cannot be recorded online; they are recorded by the Registrar's Office upon receipt of the appropriate documentation.

Why can't I change my final grade online?

The Registrar's Office periodically runs a process (usually once a twice a day during the grading period) to add grades to the student's record. Once this process takes place, grades can no longer be changed online.  Instructors therefore have a narrow window to make changes through AccessLVC; thereafter, they must be submitted by completing a Change of Grade form available in the Registrar's Office. Instructors who are unable to come to campus can contact the Registrar's Office to discuss other options for changing grades.

When do students see their grades?

Students can see their grades once the Registrar's Office runs a process to add them to students' records (see related question, above).  Mid-term grades, however, are available to students as soon as they are submitted.

What should I do if a student "dropped," stopped attending, or never attended my class?

Students who submitted paperwork to drop your course will have been removed from your roster.  If a student who has stopped or never attended still appears on your roster, record the appropriate grade based on any work the student has completed to date.  If this is not sufficient to pass the course, enter a grade of "F" (Fail).  If unusual and compelling circumstances exist, the student may petition to retroactively withdraw from the course or request an incomplete grade (the student must initiate this process—see additional details below).

Under what circumstances can I record an incomplete grade?

An incomplete grade may be awarded for substantial reason and with prior consent of the instructor.  Unless the student is incapacitated, the student must initiate the process by submitting a Request for Incomplete Grade form to the instructor.  If the request is appropriate, the instructor then submits the completed form to the Registrar's Office, which will record the grade (it cannot be entered in AccessLVC).

The incomplete work must be completed by the deadline specified by the instructor, up to a maximum of four weeks from the end of the course. Incompletes not resolved by the deadline will automatically be changed to an “F” (Fail). Appeals for an extension of the incomplete grade past the deadline must be approved by the instructor and presented to the Registrar's Office prior to the incomplete due date. Course work needs to be completed in a timely manner to allow the instructor to grade the work and submit a final grade prior to the expiration of the incomplete.

What grade should I enter for a student who is auditing my course?

A student who has registered for a course for "audit" grade and attends a class regularly may receive a grade of "AU" (no credit is given for the course and the grade does not impact the student's GPA). If the student did not attend regularly or meet any other requirements specified by the instructor, the student will be awarded a grade of "W" (Withdrawn). In such cases, an "F" may be recorded online; this will automatically be converted to a "W" for students who registered for a course for audit.

What grade should I enter for a student who elected to take my course pass/fail?

A student who elected to take a course pass/fail, which is not normally graded as such, should be graded like any other student.  As long as the student has registered for the course pass/fail, the system will automatically convert the conventional grade to a pass or fail (or, in some cases, a pass with honors). See the chart above for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions (Mid-Term Grades)

When can students see their mid-term grades?

As soon as they are submitted.

What should I do if a student "dropped," stopped attending, or never attended my class?

Students who submitted paperwork to drop your course will have been removed from your roster.  If a student who has stopped or never attended still appears on your roster, record the appropriate grade based on any work the student has completed to date. If this is not sufficient to pass the course, enter a grade of "F" (Fail). We recommend reaching out to any student who has stopped or never attended your course. If the student is unresponsive, please contact the Registrar's Office and we will take additional steps to contact the student.

What grades should I enter if my course has little or no graded work to date?

It is important for students to receive a grade for any work completed to date, even if that only comprises a small percentage of the course and overall grade. If very little or no graded work has been completed to date, grades of "P" (Pass) or "F" (Fail) may be recorded in place of conventional grades. Instructors are encouraged to provide context to their mid-term grades through an announcement to their classes or through individual conversations with students.