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Lebanon Valley College Alma Mater

To Thee dear Alma Mater, this ringing song we raise
A song that’s fraught with gladness, a song that’s filled with praise

We cannot help but love Thee, our hearts are full and free
Full well we know the debt we owe, to dear old L.V.C.

We come from old New Hampshire, where winter breezes blow
And from the sunny Southland, where sweet magnolias grow

We’ve sung “Star-Spangled Banner,” to “Dixie” given a cheer 

And now we raise this song of praise, to Alma Mater dear.

Ye sons of Lebanon Valley, put forth your strongest might

And let our Alma Mater, win each and ev’ry fight

Lift high its royal banner, and keep its honor clear

And let our song with voices strong, ring down thro’ many a year.