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Selected from among LVC's 16,000+ outstanding graduates by the Alumni Awards Committee, recognition is presented to graduates based on service to their profession and community, creative accomplishments, dedication to Lebanon Valley College, and more.
Annually, the Alumni Awards Committee selects outstanding alumni to receive the Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award and Alumni Citations. Also, when noteworthy recipients are identified, the Alumni Awards Committee may also offer additional awards.
The Alumni Awards are:
• The Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award: for significant service to one's profession, the community, and to the College.
• Alumni Citation: for significant service in one of three areas: to one's profession, to the community, or to the College.
• Creative Achievement Award: presented for distinguished creative accomplishments in the arts and journalism.
• D. Clark Carmean Award in Admission: for notable service to LVC's Admission office, especially with new student referral and recruitment.
• The Young Alumni Award: recognizes an individual who graduated within the last 15 years for achievements in one's profession, significant service to the community, or College.
• The June Herr Outstanding Educator of the Year Award: presented to an outstanding person in the field of education.
For more information, to nominate an alumnus/alumna for one of the Alumni Awards, or to join the Alumni Awards Committee, please contact Susan Jones '92, at the Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement at 717-867-6321.
Anthony, professor emeritus of music/music education at the Pennsylvania State University, led the university’s choir for more than two decades and taught undergraduate and graduate courses in choral music education. Retiring in 2018, he remains active in teaching a graduate seminar, coordinating the African American Music Festival, and directing Essence of Joy, which he founded in 1991. After graduating from LVC with a degree in music education, Anthony taught music in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York City for 14 years. He also earned a master’s in conducting and a doctorate in music education from Penn State, before returning to Happy Valley as professor and choir conductor. His choirs have performed at festivals throughout the United States and Canada as well as tours of England, Scotland, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, St. Thomas/U.S. Virgin Islands, and South Africa.
Jill and Steve met at The Valley and in 2011 launched Simpatico Studios, freelance web design, and digital marketing consultancy. Today, the Central Bucks-based company has grown to seven employees. After earning a double major, English and digital communications, and graduating with honors from LVC, Jill earned a master’s in integrated marketing communications from West Virginia University. Steve also double majored in English and digital communications at The Valley and went on to earn a master’s in fine arts from Chatham University. Both achieved certified marketing consultant status through the eMarketing Association and have served as adjunct instructors in LVC’s Department of Design, Media, & Technology. Jill, CEO, and co-founder, and Steve, co-founder, and managing partner, have led Simpatico in the field of consumer-packaged goods, publishing, journalism, broadcast, and telecommunications. Their work has evolved into a full-service integrated marketing communications B2B business, collaborating with clients like Bayer and Home Depot and from Eastern Europe to Singapore.
Teacher, writer, coach, administrator—Julie has taken on several roles since graduating from LVC with a degree in English with a secondary education certification. She also earned a master’s in educational administration from Wilkes University. In 2005, Julie returned to Northern Lebanon (NL) High School, where she did her student teaching and helped coach varsity track as an LVC undergraduate, to teach English. Julie had competed in track and tennis at The Valley. At NL, she has coached track, cross country, and basketball, and served as interim athletic director. Julie’s support for her undergraduate alma mater extends beyond athletics. She has advised and encouraged several Northern Lebanon students to consider attending LVC and recommended them through the newly established Alumni Referral Scholarship program. One of those who listened to her sage advice is her oldest son, Jake, who is a first-year environmental science major.
Charles, an author, historian, community organizer, and television political analyst, parlayed internships as an LVC history major with Congressman Tim Holden and the Dauphin County Commissioners’ Office into a career involving government affairs, economic development, non-profit, and communications. He is also a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government. Charles’ writing has addressed contemporary culture, politics, history, religion, and economics. He has provided research assistance to national bestselling authors, appeared on television, lectured on politics and history, and edited books and essays. Recognized by the Irish Echo’s “40-under-40,” Charles is an assistant editor and writer for the City Journal in New York City. He has written extensively for the Hazleton Standard-Speaker, and his articles have been published in The Atlantic, The American Conservative, The Weekly Standard, National Review Online, the Federalist, Irish Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, and more.
Kyle earned departmental awards for academic excellence, leadership, and research while a double major in criminal justice and psychology at LVC. He then proceeded to graduate school where he earned a master’s in forensic psychology from John Jay College in New York City, and a doctorate in criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Kyle, now an associate professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Northern Colorado, conducts research on jail and prison reentry, corrections, policing, rural crime, the effects of marijuana legalization, and evidence-based crime prevention programs and policies. In Colorado, Kyle runs Reading for a Change with his students in two prisons. Ward and his students record prison parents reading books to their children to help maintain social bonds. In just six years as a professor, Kyle has received more than $160,000 in research funding; published 10 peer-reviewed journal articles, three book chapters, one book, and a pair of technical reports.