

COVID Information

Please visit the link below for the latest information about the coronavirus outbreak.

Attention Employers: If you are interested in hiring student workers in your department, please complete this job description form, and email it to 


Off-Campus Community Service Positions

Only students with Federal Work-Study (FWS) awards may work in community service positions and be paid by LVC. If you are sure you have FWS in your package, first apply for the job, and if you are hired, then obtain the contracts: Contracts, available in the Financial Aid Office, must be signed and returned prior to the start of employment. Please call 717-867-6188 to make an appointment to obtain the paperwork.

Luthercare for Kids Annville

Responsibilities: Teacher assistants are needed for various shifts throughout the day at the childcare center. LutherCare for Kids Annville is open Monday through Friday and located within walking distance of the college, at 40 South King Street, Annville. Great experience for an education major.

Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m., 2 – 3 - 4 or 5 days a week; 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., 2-3-4 or 5 days a week

Wage: $8.59 per hour; varies depending on previous paid experience

Contact: Luthercare for Kids Annville at 717-867-4660 or

Annville Free Library

216 E. Main Street, Annville (within walking distance of campus!)

Children's Preschool Storytime Assistant

Hours Needed:

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Wednesdays 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

On-Campus Positions

Please see the Lebanon Valley College employer page in Handshake for a comprehensive list of all departments who are hiring student worker positions. 


All students at Lebanon Valley College are eligible to work on campus, however, employers are encouraged to hire students with Federal Work Study awards.

Policies for individual departments are made at the discretion of the supervisor. There are, however, several general guidelines that every student worker should be aware of:


Dress codes are dependent on the work required and are determined by the supervisor. Students should always use good hygiene and maintain a well-groomed appearance.


Offices that utilize student workers depend on them to do the assigned work. Students who accept a position as a student worker have a responsibility to their employer to work the arranged hours. The following guidelines should be observed:

  • Be on time for work.
  • If you must be late or absent, inform your supervisor immediately.
  • In an emergency situation, call your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Follow the procedure for locating a substitute worker if such a policy exists.
  • Make up time for excused absences is at the discretion of the supervisor.
  • Supervisors may dismiss a student for incurring unexcused absences or lateness.


Student workers may have access to sensitive material. It is imperative that confidentiality and discretion are maintained at all times. Any breach of confidentiality may be cause for immediate dismissal from employment. You should not:

  • discuss departmental issues outside of the department
  • discuss information about other students
  • remove or reproduce files for use outside the workplace

Student workers are also expected to be completely accurate with their time sheets. Misreporting of hours on a time sheet may be cause for immediate dismissal from employment. Individual departments may expand on this as necessary. Confidentiality statements are available in the Payroll Office. Confidentiality Form

Public Relations

Student workers are representatives of the college. It is important to remember this when dealing with members of or visitors to the campus community. Follow the directions of your supervisor when dealing with visitors to your department.


Training may be informal sessions during your scheduled hours or it may be formal, arranged sessions held at scheduled times during the year. Supervisors are responsible for providing adequate training to student workers. Student workers are responsible for attending training sessions and participating fully in the learning process. It is essential that students are competent in their positions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the pay rate for an on-campus job?

The wages for student employment positions range from $7.25 per hour to $8.25 per hour depending on the type of job and the level of responsibility. See the wage scale for examples.

How many hours do students work each week?

Students work, on average, 8-10 hours per week. Academics are the priority, therefore students schedules are made according to their class schedule.

Can I work on campus if I do not have a Federal Work Study award?

Employers are encouraged to hire students with Federal Work Study awards. However non-FWS students are not restricted from working. The Student Employment Coordinator's first priority is to work with FWS students and then non-FWS students.

Must I work if I have a Federal Work Study award?

No, you do not have to work if you have a Federal Work Study Award. The award is an eligibility, but you do not have to take advantage of it if you do not wish to work. The Federal Government and the college provide money to pay the wages of students with need.

Will my paycheck go directly to my student account?

No, your pay is direct deposited to the bank account you specify on a monthly basis. It is not a direct credit to your student account. Most students use their earnings for spending money or personal expenses.

What types of jobs are available on campus?

Student workers assist faculty, staff and administrators in a variety of ways. Many offices utilize student workers for clerical support and tasks such as filing, copying, answering phones and distributing mail. Students may work as LVC representatives in positions such as Valley Ambassadors (tour guides). The athletic department hires students as lifeguards, team managers and event staff. Jobs are available in everything from food service to community service and a complete list of jobs is available in Handshake.

What are different types of community service jobs?

LVC students work in local daycare facilities, the Annville library, as well as providing support to students with disabilities for LVC's Center for Accessibility.