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A Strategic Partner

The LVC Division of Marketing and Communications is a strategic partner that works across campus to support branding, enrollment, and advancement goals. We develop and implement communications and marketing plans for campaigns, departments, and programs to support the College's priorities.

Request a project via our creative brief.


When to Work with Us

LVC faculty and staff should work with MarComms on the following types of projects so that we can ensure messages and materials are on-brand, accurate, and effective:

  • Mass emails and e-newsletters | Important: See LVC policy.
  • Social media accounts for LVC departments and programs | See policy.
  • Print communications for external audiences
  • Story leads for web, social, video, photo, and print content (We focus on success stories of students and alumni and faculty expertise.)
  • Media inquiries and pitches
  • Video and photography that can be used for enrollment, advancement, web, or social media purposes to reach wide audiences
  • and web content and optimization
  • Digital and traditional advertising
  • Issues and crisis communications
  • Athletic Communications


Operating Principles

We engage key audiences through compelling written and visual communications, especially through digital channels (engagement=specific actions including inquiring, applying, visiting, enrolling, participating in campus life, giving, volunteering).

We define, advance, and serve as guardians of LVC’s brand; develop key messages and share points of pride with external audiences; rally campus around LVC's brand identity; and collaborate with departments and divisions to ensure the brand is infused throughout communications and experiences. 


2019–20 Marketing & Communications Goals

  • Increase brand awareness and affinity among core constituents.
  • Provide marketing and communications strategies, plans, content, and tools to help LVC meet undergraduate and transfer enrollment targets by recruiting qualified students the College’s 10-county core and expanded priority territories.
  • Support graduate and online program enrollment through multichannel marketing to generate and nurture leads.
  • Support key giving campaigns and alumni engagement through multichannel marketing.
  • Celebrate tenure of President Thayne, inform campus and key constituents on the progress of the search, and announce the appointment of LVC's next president.